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Use clamptype mechanism to project onto cotangent space #965

wants to merge 11 commits into from
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ NaNMath = "0.3"
Requires = "1.1"
SpecialFunctions = "0.10, 1.0"
StatsFuns = "0.9.8"
ZygoteRules = "0.2.1"
ZygoteRules = "0.2.2"
julia = "1.3"

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Zygote.jl
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Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ include("lib/broadcast.jl")
@init @require Distances="b4f34e82-e78d-54a5-968a-f98e89d6e8f7" include("lib/distances.jl")
@init @require LogExpFunctions="2ab3a3ac-af41-5b50-aa03-7779005ae688" include("lib/logexpfunctions.jl")

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/array.jl
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_zero(xs::AbstractArray{<:Number}, T::Type{Nothing}) = fill!(similar(xs), zero(eltype(xs)))
_zero(xs::AbstractArray{<:Number}, T) = fill!(similar(xs, T), false)
_zero(xs::AbstractArray{<:Number}, T) = fill!(similar(xs, T, size(xs)), false)
_zero(xs::AbstractArray, T) = fill!(similar(xs, Union{Nothing, T}), nothing)

_droplike(dy, dxv) = dy
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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/clamp.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@

import ZygoteRules: clamptype
# This sees a tuple of argument types, and can modify the resulting tuple of tangents

clamptype(Ts::Tuple{}, dxs::Tuple{}) = ()
clamptype(Ts::Tuple, dxs::Tuple) =
first(Ts) === GlobalRef ? clamptype(Base.tail(Ts), dxs) :
(clamptype(first(Ts), first(dxs)), clamptype(Base.tail(Ts), Base.tail(dxs))...)

clamptype(Ts::Tuple{}, dxs::Tuple) = (@error "mismatch!" dxs; dxs)
clamptype(Ts::Tuple, dxs::Tuple{}) = (@error "mismatch!" Ts; ())

# Bool, Real, Complex

# clamptype(::Type{Bool}, dx) = nothing
# clamptype(::Type{Bool}, dx::Complex) = nothing # ambiguity
# clamptype(::Type{<:AbstractArray{Bool}}, dx::AbstractArray) = nothing
# clamptype(::Type{<:AbstractArray{Bool}}, dx::AbstractArray) = (@info "bool array" summary(dx); nothing)

# clamptype(::Type{Bool}, dx) = (@info "bool, dropping" typeof(dx); nothing)
# clamptype(::Type{Bool}, dx::Complex) = (@info "bool, dropping" typeof(dx); nothing)
# clamptype(::Type{<:AbstractArray{Bool}}, dx::AbstractArray) = (@info "bool array, disabled" summary(dx); dx)

clamptype(::Type{<:Real}, dx::Complex) = real(dx)
clamptype(::Type{<:AbstractArray{<:Real}}, dx::AbstractArray) = real(dx)

using LinearAlgebra: Diagonal, UpperTriangular, UnitUpperTriangular, LowerTriangular, UnitLowerTriangular
using LinearAlgebra: AdjointAbsVec, TransposeAbsVec, AdjOrTransAbsVec

# LinearAlgebra's matrix types

for Wrap in [:Diagonal, :UpperTriangular, :LowerTriangular]
@eval begin
clamptype(::Type{<:$Wrap{T,PT}}, dx::$Wrap) where {T,PT} =
clamptype(PT, dx)
clamptype(::Type{<:$Wrap{T,PT}}, dx::AbstractMatrix) where {T,PT} =
clamptype(PT, $Wrap(dx))
# not right for :UnitUpperTriangular, :UnitLowerTriangular

for (trans, Wrap) in [(transpose, :Symmetric), (Base.adjoint, :Hermitian)]
@eval begin
clamptype(::Type{<:$Wrap{T,PT}}, dx::$Wrap) where {T,PT} =
clamptype(PT, dx)
clamptype(::Type{<:$Wrap{T,PT}}, dx::AbstractMatrix) where {T,PT} =
clamptype(PT, $Wrap(_twofold($trans, dx)))

_twofold(trans, dx) = (dx .+ trans(dx)) ./ 2
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Notice this:

using Zygote # this PR
using LinearAlgebra, FiniteDifferences, ForwardDiff, ChainRules

gradient(x -> Symmetric([x 3x; 5x 7x])[1,2], pi)   # (3,)
gradient(A -> A[1,2], Symmetric(rand(2,2)))        # ([0.0 0.5; 0.5 0.0],)
gradient(A -> Symmetric(A)[1,2], rand(2,2))        # ([0.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0],)

grad(central_fdm(5, 1), A -> A[1,2], Symmetric(rand(2,2))) # ([0.0 1.0; 1.0 0.0],) # weird? 
grad(central_fdm(5, 1), A -> Symmetric(A)[1,2], rand(2,2)) # ([0.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0],) # fine

If you use _twofold(trans, dx) = dx .+ trans(dx) .- Diagonal(dx), then the Zygote results will double, and the 1st & 3rd will be quite obviously wrong. And this isn't a projection operator.

Is the FiniteDifferences result the right thing for a tangent not cotangent? Or is it a bug? As far as I can tell it's doing something like this:

ve, re = to_vec(Symmetric([1 3; 5 7])) # ve == [1,3,3,7]
re([1,-42,3,7]) == [1 3; 3 7]

re2(v) = Symmetric(reshape(v,2,2))
v2 = rand(1:999, 4); re(v2) == re2(v2)
re2(ForwardDiff.gradient(v -> re2(v)[1,2], ve)) == [0 1; 1 0]

Looking in ChainRules, there seem to be few tests using this behaviour of FiniteDifferences. There is a rule for Matrix, which applies (dx .+ dx' .- Diagonal(dx) to match:

rrule(Matrix, Symmetric(rand(2,2)))[2]([1 3; 5 7])[2]    == [1 8; 8 7] 
pullback(Matrix, Symmetric(rand(3,3)))[2]([1 3; 5 7])[1] == [1 4; 4 7] # with this PR

Defined here where _symmetric_back is also the gradient of Symmetric where it makes more sense IMO. (Originally from Zygote, I think.)

function _twofold(trans, dx::Array{<:AbstractFloat})
@inbounds for i in axes(dx,1)
for j in i+1:lastindex(dx,2)
dx[i,j] = (dx[i,j] + trans(dx[j,i])) / 2

clamptype(::Type{<:AdjOrTransAbsVec{T,PT}}, dx::AdjOrTransAbsVec) where {T,PT} =
clamptype(PT, dx)
clamptype(::Type{<:AdjOrTransAbsVec{T,PT}}, dx::AbstractMatrix) where {T,PT} =
clamptype(PT, transpose(vec(dx))) # sometimes wrong wrapper but avoids conjugation
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions test/lib/clamp.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
using ZygoteRules: clamptype
using LinearAlgebra

@info "----- starting type clamp tests"

@testset "clamptype" begin

# Real & Complex
@test clamptype(Float32, 1+im) === 1
@test clamptype(ComplexF64, 1+im) === 1+im

TA = typeof(rand(3))
@test clamptype(TA, 1:3) === 1:3
@test clamptype(TA, (1:3) .+ im) isa Vector{Int}

# Boolean
# @test clamptype(Bool, 1+im) === nothing
# TB = typeof(rand(3) .> 0.5)
# @test clamptype(TB, rand(3)) === nothing
# @test clamptype(TB, Diagonal(1:3)) === nothing

# Structured, I
TD = typeof(Diagonal(1:3))
@test clamptype(TD, reshape(1:9, 3, 3)) isa Diagonal{Int,<:Vector}
@test clamptype(TD, Diagonal((1:3) .+ im)) == Diagonal(1:3)

# Structured, II
TH = typeof(Hermitian(rand(3,3) .+ im))
TS = typeof(Symmetric(rand(3,3)))
@test clamptype(TS, reshape(1:4,2,2) .+ im) == [1 2.5; 2.5 4]
AH = clamptype(TH, reshape(1:4,2,2) .+ im)
@test AH == [1 2.5; 2.5 4]
@test AH isa Hermitian{ComplexF64}
@test clamptype(TH, reshape(1:4,2,2)) isa Hermitian{Float64}

# Row vectors
TA = typeof((1:3)')
TT = typeof(transpose(1:3))
TC = typeof(adjoint(rand(3) .+ im))
@test clamptype(TA, permutedims(1:3)) isa LinearAlgebra.AdjOrTransAbsVec
@test clamptype(TA, ones(1,3) .+ im) isa LinearAlgebra.AdjOrTrans{Float64,<:Vector}
@test clamptype(TC, ones(1,3) .+ im) == [1+im 1+im 1+im]

# Tricky
# TDB = typeof(Diagonal(rand(3) .> 0.5))
# @test clamptype(TDB, rand(3,3)) === nothing
# @test clamptype(TDB, rand(ComplexF32, 3,3)) === nothing
# TAB = typeof(transpose([true, false]))
# @test clamptype(TAB, rand(3)') === nothing

@testset "clamped gradients" begin # only the marked tests pass on master

# Real & Complex
@test gradient(x -> abs2(x+im), 2) == (4,)
@test gradient(x -> abs2(x+im), 2+0im) == (4 + 2im,) # as before

@test gradient(x -> abs2(sum(x .+ im)), [1, 2])[1] == [6, 6]
@test gradient(x -> abs2(sum(x .+ im)), Any[1, 2])[1] == [6, 6]
@test gradient(x -> abs2(sum(x .+ im)), [1, 2+0im])[1] == [6 + 4im, 6 + 4im] # as before

# Structured, some zeros
# (if rules improve, these will end up testing them not the projection)
@test gradient(x -> sum(x .+ 1), Diagonal(rand(3)))[1] == Diagonal([1,1,1])
@test gradient(x -> sum(sqrt.(x .+ 1)./2), Diagonal(rand(3)))[1] isa Diagonal
@test gradient(x -> sum(x .+ 1), UpperTriangular(rand(3,3)))[1] == UpperTriangular(ones(3,3))

@test gradient(x -> x[1,2], LowerTriangular(rand(3,3)))[1] == zeros(3,3)
@test_broken gradient(x -> x[1,2], UnitLowerTriangular(rand(3,3)))[1] == zeros(3,3)

ld = gradient((x,y) -> sum(x * y), LowerTriangular(ones(3,3)), Diagonal(ones(3,3)))
@test ld[1] isa LowerTriangular
@test_broken ld[2] isa Diagonal

# Structured, some symmetry
@test gradient(x -> sum(x .+ 1), Symmetric(rand(3,3)))[1] isa Symmetric
@test gradient(x -> x[1,2], Symmetric(rand(3,3)))[1] == [0 1/2 0; 1/2 0 0; 0 0 0]

@test_broken gradient(x -> sum(x * x'), Symmetric(ones(3,3)))[1] isa Symmetric

# Row vector restoration
@test pullback(x -> x.+1, rand(3)')[2](ones(1,3))[1] isa LinearAlgebra.AdjOrTransAbsVec
@test pullback(x -> x.+1, rand(3)')[2]([1 2 3+im])[1] == [1 2 3]
@test pullback(x -> x.+1, rand(ComplexF64, 3)')[2]([1 2 3+im])[1] == [1 2 3+im] # as before

@test gradient(x -> x[1,2], rand(3)')[1] isa LinearAlgebra.AdjOrTransAbsVec # worked, broken by _zero change

@info "----- done type clamp tests"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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@testset "Features" begin
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