v0.4.2 (2019-12-20)
Closed issues:
- I’m sure you know this, but since I wanted to see what goes wrong: Comprehensions with
don’t seem to work right now, but surely they could be made to. (#420) - Remove Flux page? (#416)
- setindex_shape_check method error for custom adjoint (#403)
- Warnings on fresh Zygote install (#397)
- Precompile error: Non-differentiable function mul_int (breaks Turing.jl + others?) (#396)
- Error when trying to precompile Zygote (#395)
- ZygoteRules compat (#392)
- Facilitate array construction without mutation (#377)
Merged pull requests:
- Tag v0.4.2 (#432) (dhairyagandhi96)
- Add circshift adjoint (#418) (Sleort)
- remove Flux page (#417) (ChrisRackauckas)
- Add dims kwargs and improve gradient computation for logsumexp (#406) (xukai92)
- Relax bound for DiffRules to 0.1 for compat with SpecialFunctions v0.8 (#398) (torfjelde)
- Add adjoints for functions on Hermitian matrices (take 2) (#355) (sethaxen)
- Non-scalar getindex (#256) (mcabbott)