A python package that provides a way to do logging configuration using a YAML file.
- Required packages:
- Python version 3.10
- Pip minimum version 24.0
- Task (aka Taskfile) version 3.35
- pre-commit minimum version 4.0
- Recommended packages:
- Clone this repository.
- Create and activate a virtual environment (e.g. python -m venv .venv).
- Run task setup:dev which will get all necessary python packages, setup git hooks, and add anything to docker (e.g. networks) necessary for the server to run.
It is recommended that direnv be installed and a .envrc file be created in the local clone of the repository. This can handle setting the environment when changing into the directory, and if a virtual environment is not available, creating a new one so task setup:dev may be run.
The [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) framework will check any changed file for conformance to coding standards, formatting standards, and security standards before allowing a commit to occur.
Each of these checks are done in GitHub Actions as part of the CI/CD chain. So having pre-commit perform these checks before commit improves the chances that a PR will pass its checks.