This repository contains the lecture notes and program code for the graduate course PHYS6350 Computational Physics at the University of Houston taught at the University of Houston.
The course is designed for graduate/advanced undergraduate physics students. The focus is on the concepts behind the numerical methods used in computational physics over the implementation. For this reason, most of the code is in Python and uses Jupyter Notebooks for presentation. For the same reason, many standard routines (such as linear equation solvers) are reimplemented.
There is no assigned textbook but the following textbooks can be useful:
- Computational Physics by Mark Newman (Some parts of this text are available on the author’s website:
- Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, Third Edition - by W.H. Press, et al.
Many of the problems and examples are taken from the first book, these are referenced in the lecture notes where applicable.
The syllabus for the course taught in Sping 2023 is available here
Interpolation [Lecture (pdf), Code (ipynb)]
- Nearest-neighbor
- Linear
- Interpolating polynomial
- Bilinear (two variables)
Non-linear equations
Numerical integration
Numerical differentiation [Lecture (pdf), Code (ipynb)]
- Forward, backward, and central difference
- High-order approximations and derivatives
- Balancing truncation and round-off errors
Ordinary differential equations (ODE) [Code (ipynb)]
- Lecture 1 (pdf)
- Euler, midpoint (RK2), and RK4 methods
- Adaptive step
- Stiff equations, stability, and implicit methods
- Systems of ODEs
- Simple pendulum
- Lecture 2 (pdf))
- Leapfrog, modified midpoint and Bulirsch-Stoer methods
- Simple pendulum
- Comet motion, SIR model
- Boundary value problems and the shooting method
- Lecture 1 (pdf)
Classical mechanics problems [Lecture (pdf, pptx), Code (ipynb)]
- Three-body problem
- Non-linear pendulum
- Double pendulum and chaotic motion (simulation + animation code (ipynb))
Molecular dynamics [Lecture (pdf), Code (ipynb)]
- Classical N-body problem
- Lennard-Jones fluid
- Equilibration and thermodynamics
Linear algebra [Code (ipynb)]
Partial differential equations (PDE) [Code (ipynb)]
Random numbers and Monte Carlo methods [Code (ipynb)]
Statistical physics problems
Quantum mechanics [Lecture (pdf), Code (ipynb)]
- Matrix method for eigenenergies and eigenstates
- Time-dependent Schroedinger equation
Fourier transform [Lecture (pdf), Code (ipynb)]
- Discrete Fourier Transform
- Fast Fourier Transform
Introduction to Machine Learning [Lecture (pdf)]
- Based on Google machine learning crash course
Introduction to Parallel Computing [Lecture (pdf)]
Feel free to use and redistribute the material with an appropriate reference.
Copyright (C) 2023 Volodymyr Vovchenko