yarn add emoji-shortname-to-image
import EmojiShort from 'emoji-shortname-to-image';
// You can also add a second parameter, that will replace the emojishort class with your own
const emoji = new EmojiShort('https://your-cdn-url.com/with-trailing-slash/');
// Outputs:
// <img class="emojishort" src="https://your-cdn-url.com/with-trailing-slash/1f950.png" alt=":croissant:" title=":croissant:" />
// Outputs:
// 🥐
// Outputs:
// <img class="emojishort" src="https://your-cdn-url.com/with-trailing-slash/1f950.png" alt=":croissant:" title=":croissant:" />
The cdn url
should point to a folder where the png's are located with a trailing /
Powered by iamcal/emoji-data and emojione/emojione