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This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 27, 2019. It is now read-only.


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⚠️ Unmaintained

This project has been archived and is considered outdated and unmaintained.

With the massive rise of the CLI tools by each major JavaScript Web frameworks, it was become irrelevant to pursue the quest of being a competitive project scaffolder for modern Web project.

We officialy advise to use the coresponding CLI tools for the framework you use:

Of course, we have some regrets regarding our users, Yeoman users and some goals we had with Fountain (like giving important tool choices to users, harmonizing projects configurations between frameworks...) but still, you can use official CLI tools with confidence as they are great project which went further for development experience and Web optimization.


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Fountain Angular 2 Generator

Angular 2

Fountain Angular 2 Generator allows you to start an Angular2 web app with the best developer experience possible!

No matter what framework or module management you want to use, we got you covered with a cutting edge working configuration.

We use Gulp 4 as a task manager but we'll ask you questions about:

  • Modules management: Webpack, SystemJS, none
  • JS preprocessor: Babel, TypeScript, none
  • CSS preprocessor: Sass, Stylus, Less, none

This generator is a sub-generator of the the Yeoman Fountain generator for webapps generator-fountain-webapp.

Generator Fountain Angular 2 structure

To utilize the best of the Yeoman infrastructure, we heavily rely on the composability features that the generators offer.

Thereby, each requirement for your application will be addressed by a dedicated Yeoman generator (generators utilized will vary depending on the options selected).

Additional information:

Web tooling layer

Gulp ESLint BrowserSync Karma

Module management layer

Webpack SystemJS Bower


Requirement Node 6+ && NPM 3+

This generator is targeted to be used with Node >= 6.0.0 and NPM => 3.0.0. You can check your version number with the command

node --version && npm --version


Install required tools yo:
npm install -g yo
Install generator-fountain-angular2:
npm install -g generator-fountain-angular2


Create a new directory, and go into:
mkdir my-new-project && cd my-new-project
Run yo fountain-angular2, and select desired technologies:
yo fountain-angular2

Use NPM scripts

  • npm run build to build an optimized version of your application in /dist
  • npm run serve to launch a browser sync server on your source files
  • npm run serve:dist to launch a server on your optimized application
  • npm run test to launch your unit tests with Karma
  • npm run test:auto to launch your unit tests with Karma in watch mode

Or Gulp tasks

If you have gulp-cli installed in global packages you can use equivalent:

  • gulp or gulp build
  • gulp serve
  • gulp serve:dist
  • gulp test
  • gulp test:auto

If you don't have gulp-cli installed globally, the following error will occur:

/usr/local/lib/node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js:121 gulpInst.start.apply(gulpInst, toRun); TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined


Few sub-generators are available. You can see the full list by running yo --generators.
Each generator has 2 options:

  • You can set the name of the generated item with --name
  • You can set the path of the generated item with --dir


yo fountain-angular2:component --name myComponent --dir components/game