A Web and PhoneGap javascript application manager.
(c)2013, Jean-Christophe Hoelt, Fovea.cc
- Download Jackbone.gap
- Put it wherever your like on your system
- Something like
will do it.
- Something like
- Add jackbone.gap directory in your PATH
Type jackbone help
for full usage.
##Anatomy of a Jackbone.gap application
+ config -- Jackbone.gap config file.
+ app/js/appdelegate.js -- Entry point of the javascript application.
+ app/css/main.css -- Your LessCSS CSS.
+ app/html/*.html -- Your Handlebars templates
+ assets/Default.png -- Splash image
+ assets/Icon.png -- Icon image
Jackbone will generate a iOS project at build time, that should be ok for most users. However, you can override some defaults if needed:
If file named ios/Info.plist
is found in your project directory, it will be used instead of the default one.
- Follow [Cordova's Guide] (http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.6.0/guide_getting-started_android_index.md.html) to install the Android SDK.
- Follow [Cordova's Guide] (http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.6.0/guide_getting-started_blackberry_index.md.html) to install the BlackBerrySDK.
###Automated tests
- Project generated during unit tests will use
as a config (all boilerplate-d projects actually).
Jackbone.gap is distributed under the MIT License.
##Third party libraries and tools
It is based on a stack of open-source software:
- Jackbone.js
- JQuery Mobile
- Handlebars
- LessCSS
- Backbone.js
- Underscore.js
- QUnit
- Kinetic
- SQLite
- Stacktrace.js