This is the source code for the FoxIO blog.
GitHub makes it easy to host the FoxIO blog for free using the Ruby-based Jekyll static site generator.
Jekyll makes it easy to write, edit, and preview posts.
Install Ruby
Install Jekyll and its dependencies
bundle install
Install npm dependencies
npm install
Install pre-commit
Install pre-commit git hooks
pre-commit install
Run pre-commit checks
pre-commit run
Write your post in markdown (.md) inside of the "_posts" directory and name the file using the convention:
If your post contains an image(s), create a new directory inside of the "/assets/img" directory, name it using the convention:
upload your image(s) to that directory, and embed them in your post using the lightbox Jekyll tag:
{% lightbox /assets/img/YYYY-MM-DD/filename --data="/assets/img/YYYY-MM-DD/filename" %}
Preview the site