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Jupster edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 15 revisions

as of 1.7a H5

  1. I clicked launch for the first time and nothing happens.
  2. Do my mods go into the server only or server + client column?
  3. How do I become server admin?
  4. Mod download timeout?
  5. How do I backup FASTER?
  6. I added my steam ID but I'm not admin!
  7. Signature Mismatch while joining server!
  8. Weird server name.
  9. Show launch parameters.
  10. Can't edit mission parameters.
  11. Where are my server logs?
  12. Mod download incomplete/missing addons.
  13. LAN server with multiple instances

I clicked launch for the first time and nothing happens.

Go install DirectX and any other missing drivers. See Step by Step instructions for specifics.

Should I tick my mods in the "Server Only", "Server + Client" or "Headless" column?

Golden rule "Server + Client" column unless you know. To be specific "Server + Client" is for -mod=, "Server Only " for the servermod= parameter.

How do I become server admin?

Connect to server and type #login adminpassword in chat.

My mod downloads keep timing out!

For known big ones you should click "update" on them indiviually. It times out roughly every 1GB of data so just keep clicking that update button.

How do I backup my FASTER data?

It's stored in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\FoxliCorp.

I addded my steam64id to the admin IDs but I'm not admin!

You still need to type #login in chat.

Signature Mismatch while joining server!

Either set "Verify Signatures" to disabled (can be found in the Server tab under "SERVER ADVANCED") or click Copy Mod Keys ion the Profile tab. Some mods provide correct incorrect and/or outdated bikey files or none at all. In that Case you can fix it with Bisign2Bikey yourself:

Keep in mind to copy the newly created bikey file to the servers keys folder or create a keys folder inside the mod. Then FASTERs Copy Mod Keys function works as well.

Why is my folder name called random long string?

By design and can't be changed. Yes, really. This doesn't affect how the server is named as this is set in the server config.

Why tho? - Because Arma can have a severe hissy-fit if it encounteres 2 profiles with the exact same name. To avoid this, a really long and random string is being used every time a faster-serverProfile is created to identify it.

Show launch parameters?

Once you click launch they will be copied to your clipboard. If you have HCs enabled it'll be their launch parameters so turn them off momentarily.

I can't edit the missions parameters in the role selection screen!

Either untick the AutoInit checkbox in the "Missions" tab or restart the mission by tpying #reassign in chat.

How do I find my server logs?

Rightclick on the profile name which is in the bottom center (not the list on the left). The latest .rpt file in there is your server log. -> more infos can be found here

FASTER says my mods are up to date but the folder is empty/server complains about missing addons!

You will have to force download the mods again by clicking on each mods "Update" button individually.
There's also this way but you might break your FASTER config...

Why is my LAN server showing me two or more instances?

When you see two instances and you are on the same network as your server then you see the LAN connection and the Internet connection to your server.

More can be visible depending if you have headless client/s active as well.

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