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Keelah edited this page Oct 8, 2020 · 10 revisions


Profile Settings


Profile Name Updates the profile's name on the bottom of the page and the Profile List

Server File Selects the Arma3Server executable. Automatically filled if Arma3 location is filled.

Port Specify the Arma3 server port


Load from File Enable and disable mods from a mod preset file

Copy Mods keys Copy the loaded mod keys to the keys folder

Contact DLC Enable the contact DLC in the modlist

GM DLC Enable the Creator General Mobilization DLC in the modlist

You can sort the modlist mods by clicking the ID header or the Name header. You can also copy loaded mods from a modlist by right-clicking the header and selecting "Copy from" The number of loaded mods is displayed at the bottom of the modlist

ID The mod's ID

Note : Local Mods also have an automatically generated ID that do not match the steam Workshop ID

Server Ticked if the mod is enabled in the Server Only Modlist

Client Ticked if the mod is enabled in the Client Modlist

Headless Ticked if the mod is enabled in the headless Client Modlist

Name The mod's name

Bottom Panel

Profile Name You can right click the Profile name at the bottom to display a few options such as :

  • Open File Location : Will open the profile's location on disk
  • Delete Profile : Will (obviously) delete the profile If you hover on the profile name, the profile's ID is displayed

Save Button The save button will save the current settings and write the arma3 config files

Launch Button This will launch the Arma3 Server and copy the command line to clipboard. If headless clients are activated, they will be launched and their command line copied to clipboard.

Note : The Launch Button does not update the config files so you can manually edit them if you want. You must press the Save Button to update them (Ex. when changing a mission)



Missions Panel

EMS and MO

Mission Selector override Toggle between the Easy Mission Selection and the Mission Override

Note : The mission override is the one written in the cfg file. The EMS generates the mission text automatically. You can select the missions you want and switch to MO to edit the parameters

Refresh Button Refresh the mission list

Difficulty Preset Sets the Difficulty Presets Missions will use by default

AutoInit Will start the mission automatically when the server starts

Note : This option is only enabled if the Persistent Battlefield is enabled

Persistant Battlefield When enabled, the mission will keep running after all players have left the server

AutoSelect mission Will select the next mission automatically after one is finished

Random Order Will randomize the AutoSelect mission order

Difficulty Settings

All these fields sets the custom Difficulty Settings

Arma3Profile Output

This panel shows the generated output that will be written in the profile.Arma3Profile. The output is regenerated and updated in realtime if a value above is modified.

Note : You can manually edit the output at your liking and it will be written to the file .The content will only be rewritten if a value above is modified.



Server Options

Server Hostname Sets the Server's name displayed on the Launcher and Server List

Password The server's login password

Admin Password The Admin password to login as admin

BattlEye Enables or disables BattlEye Anti-Cheat on the server

Server Ranking Enabled the player statistics file on the server

Max Players Maximum number of players on the server

Network Settings

Loopback Enables LAN only mode

UPNP Enables UPNP mode on the server (automatic port forwarding)

Note : UPNP is not supported on every router.

Disconnect Timeout Timeout before kicking a player that lost connection (from 5 to 90 seconds)

Max Desync Max Desync value before kicking a player

Max Ping Maximum ping of a user before kicking him

Max Packet Loss Maximum packet loss before kicking a user

Server Advanced

Allow File Patching Sets if File Patching is allowed to All Clients, Headless only or No Clients

Verify Signatures Sets the signature verification system (the old Arma2 system is available but not advised)

Kick duplicates Kicks users with the same ID

Kick on slow Network If enabled, players will be kicked if they trigger one of the max values in Network Settings. If disabled, a message will be triggered but the player won't be kicked.

Lobby Idle Timeout Time a user is able to spend in the lobby before being kicked for inactivity

Steam Protocol Max Data Size Change this setting if the server info is not correctly displayed on the Launcher (incomplete modlist)

Note : Some older routers do not support higher values and may cause issues.

Admin IDs ID's of server admins. These won't be prompted for a password when logging in as admin

VON Settings

On/Off Enables or disables Voice Over Net

VoN Codec Sets the Audio Codec for Voice over Net. Either SPEEX (default) or OPUS

Codec Quality Sets the audio quality of VoN

Voting Settings

On/Off Enables or Disables voting on the server

Min Players Minimum players for a vote

Vote threshold Sets the Threshold of the vote

Headless Clients

On/Off Enables or Disables Headless Clients on server

Launch HCs Launch the headless Clients manually

Headless IPs IPs of the Headless Clients

Local Clients IPs of the Local Clients

Number of HCs Sets the amount of Headless Clients to launch

Warning : Only enable headless Clients if your missions support it. This would otherwise cause unwanted network traffic and performance issues. HCs also count in the player count.

Permissions Settings

Enable Drawing on Map Can allow or prevent players from drawing in the map (usually left activated)

Skip Lobby Will skip the Mission Lobby

Note : This setting is not always applied because it can be overwritten by many different settings

Arma Required Build Force users to have an arma build higher that the selected number

Logging Options

On/Off Enables or disables NetLog

Note : If you want to disable logging altogether, I'd advise adding -noLogs as command parameter

LogFile name Sets the name for logfiles

Timestamp format Format for timestamps on logs

Scripting Settings

This is reserved for advanced server managers and should be left untouched if you don't know what it is


Message of the Day Sets the message of the day displayed at server start or when users log in

Delay Delay in seconds between each MOTD lines

Server.cfg Output

This panel shows the generated output that will be written in the server.cfg file. The output is regenerated and updated in realtime if a value above is modified.

Note : You can manually edit the output at your liking and it will be written to the file .The content will only be rewritten if a value above is modified.



Performance Tweaks

These parameters are used to set the Basic.cfg file. The default parameters are the arma3 default and should be enough for most users. Don't tweak them unless you know what you are doing as this could cause network issues and performance issues. Some presets are available depending on your network speed

Command Line arguments Adds arguments to the auto-generated command line

Basic.cfg Output

This panel shows the generated output that will be written in the basic.cfg file. The output is regenerated and updated in realtime if a value above is modified.

Note : You can manually edit the output at your liking and it will be written to the file .The content will only be rewritten if a value above is modified.