This repository is the public version of the research project about Temporal Encoding for Sequential Recommendations ( TE4SRec).
All the model networks and training pipelines are based on PyTorch framework.
Start training TE4SRec-b with the following command on Steam dataset.
python --dataset_name steam --is_bert True --max_seq_len 50 --num_worker 1 --train_batch_size 512 --pred_batch_size 128
To run, there are parameters to be considered. The types, descriptions and default values of these parameters are listed as follows. To change the parameters use --{param_name} {param_value} after
Parameter | Default Value | Type | Description |
seed | 42 | int | Random seed for reproducibility. |
output_path | './output/results' | str | Path to save the output files. |
data_dir | './data' | str | Directory path for dataset storage. |
dataset_name | 'yelp' | str | Name of the dataset to be used. |
pred_threshold | 3 | int | Threshold of sequence length for prediction. |
is_bert | True | bool | Flag to determine whether BERT or left-to-right attention is used. |
model_name | 'TE4SRec' | str | Name of the model to be loaded. |
load_model | False | bool | Flag to determine if a pre-trained model should be loaded. |
max_seq_len | 50 | int | Maximum sequence length for the model. |
alpha | 0.5 | float | Temporal scaler. |
d_temporal | 50 | int | Dimension of temporal features. |
d_model | 50 | int | Dimension of the model. |
num_block | 2 | int | Number of Transformer blocks in the model architecture. |
num_heads | 1 | int | Number of attention heads in the model. |
is_gelu | True | bool | Flag to determine whether GELU or ReLU to be used as activation function. |
dropout_rate | 0.2 | float | Dropout rate for regularization. |
mask_ratio | 0.2 | float | Ratio of masking for BERT training. |
pretrain_epoch | 0 | int | Number of epochs for pre-training without evaluation metrics. |
stop_patience | 10 | int | Patience for early stopping during training. |
train_batch_size | 512 | int | Batch size for training. |
num_worker | 1 | int | Number of workers for data loading in parallel (Torch standard). |
lr | 0.001 | float | Learning rate for the optimizer. |
adam_beta1 | 0.9 | float | Beta1 parameter for Adam optimizer. |
adam_beta2 | 0.98 | float | Beta2 parameter for Adam optimizer. |
is_sampling | False | bool | Flag to enable sampling in evaluation (according to SASRec). |
neg_num | 100 | int | Number of negative samples for evaluation (only for is_sampling=True). |
pred_batch_size | 128 | int | Batch size for prediction. |
In the project's directory structure, the raw data files are systematically organized under ./data-raw/{dataset_name}. Following preprocessing, the refined data is stored in ./data/{dataset_name}/data.csv. All datasets have been sourced from publicly available resources.
We preprocess datasets with two core parameters about sampling in this project. The users and items can be sampled randomly to reduce the numbers.
- sample types: ['sample_item', 'sample_user']
- sample ratios
Once preprocessing is complete, execute the command below to visualize metadata along with distributions of user-based, item-based, and temporal information. The results are stored in the directory ./output/data/{dataset_name} as default, so make sure the directory existing.
│ .gitignore
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ ├───steam
│ │ data.csv
│ └───yelp
│ ├───steam
│ │ steam_new.json
│ └───yelp
│ ├───data
│ │ ├───steam
│ │ │ basic.txt
│ │ │ item_day_gap.png
│ │ │ item_freq_count.png
│ │ │ month_action.png
│ │ │ seq_day_gap.png
│ │ │ seq_len_count.png
│ │
│ └───results
│ ├───steam
│ │ ├───TE4SRec-b
│ │ │ config
│ │ │ eval_valid_line.png
│ │ │
│ │ │ temporal_encoding.png
│ │ │ test_metrics.csv
│ │ │ top_k_tables.csv
│ │ │ valid_metrics.csv