The pet-be integration test sample contains a simple maven test to add and retrieve an order. Instructions for running the test are given below.
- Test pet-be cell
$ cellery test wso2cellery/pet-be-cell:latest -n pet-be
✔ Extracting Cell Image wso2cellery/pet-be-cell:latest
✔ Reading Cell Image wso2cellery/pet-be-cell:latest
✔ Validating dependencies
Instances to be Used:
--------------- -------------------------------- --------------- --------
pet-be wso2cellery/pet-be-cell:latest To be Created -
Dependency Tree to be Used:
No Dependencies
? Do you wish to continue with starting above Cell instances (Y/n)? y
✔ Starting execution of tests for wso2cellery/pet-be-cell:latest...
Info: pet-be instance found created. Using existing instances and dependencies for testing
Info: Executing test pet-be-test...
Log: [INFO] Scanning for projects...
Log: [INFO]
Log: [INFO] --------< >--------
Log: [INFO] Building 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT
Log: [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
Info: Test execution completed. Collecting logs to pet-be-test.log
Info: Deleting test cell pet-be-test
Note: If there is no instance found by the name pet-be, a new cell will be spawned and this instance will be destroyed at the end of test execution. If pet-be instance is already existing, that instance will be used for running the tests.
To enable debug mode, run the following command. This will show more logs in the test execution flow.
$ cellery test wso2cellery/pet-be-cell:latest -n pet-be --debugMode
- View logs
$ cat logs/pet-be-test.log
- Observe the pet-store - This shows how you can observe and understand the runtime operations to the pet-store application.
- Update pet-be cell - provides the steps to update the components of the pet-be cell.
- Advanced deployments with pet-be cell - perform advanced deployments with pet-be cell.
- Scale pet-be cell - walks through the steps to scale pet-be cell with horizontal pod autoscaler, and zero scaling with Knative.
- Pet store sample - provides the instructions to work with pet-store sample.