Is a set of python program to graph curves and make lineal algebra
I made this programs just for fun, If they are usefull to you, use them freely. I know I lack a lot of documentation and comments but if people really use my program I'll add them.
- Zelle's graphing library (This is not mine nor to powerfull but really simple)
- Grapher/
- Vector and Matrix Classes for operations (This are mine but feel free to change the interface to use numpy or something you like)
- LinearAlgebra/ and LinearAlgebra/
- Grapher Class wich is a cartesian plane for graphing
- Grapher/
- Least Square program where you can graph any function that passes near a cetain set of points
- Grapher/
To use learn how to use Zelle's graphing library go to
I made a mess making matrices that are made of vectors, anyway the interface is simple
- To make a matrix: Matrix([ [a],[b], [c] ]) # matrix are made up from a list of list, and each small list is a row
- to make a vector: Vector([a, b ,c]) # is a list of the individual values
To make a catesian plane use the Class:
- Plane((450,450)) # the parameter is a Touple pointing the center.
- There are a lot of options to make a Plane that I do not explain here but If you need to know please email me [email protected].
To make use of Least Squares
- LeastSquare(setOfPoints, functions)
The setOfPoints is a list of touples ex: points = [(1,0),(10,50),(40,50),(200,50),(2,2),(400,400),(-120,-56)]
The function are pass as a string in python format ex: """ Polinoms: "def f(x): return %$4$*x4% + %$3$*x3% + %$2$*x**2% + %$1$*x% + %$0$%"
Exponentials def f(x): return %$0$*math.exp(x/100)% + %$1$% ## check for the x/100 Logarithms: def f(x): if x > 0: return %$0$*math.log(x)% + %$1$% return 0 roots: sqaure Root def f(x): if x >= 0: return %$0$*x**(1/2)% + %$1$% return 0
- LeastSquare(setOfPoints, functions)