Powershell module to provide easy integration with Apsis Pro API
This project is a wrap of the existing Apsis API functionality to cmdlets. It is in no way affiliated with the product or company.
There are a number of requirements to use this module, which include an Apsis Pro account and API key. Contact APSIS for more information (https://apsis.se)
This module is by any means not complete, it is just a collection of functions that I have used and needed to simplify the tasks I use If you have any other needs, submit a Pull Request.
This module is published automatically to PowerShell Gallery.
Install-Module PowerApsis
Get-Command -Module PowerApsis
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Add-ApsisEventAttendee 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Get-ApsisEventAttendees 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Get-ApsisEventOptions 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Get-ApsisEvents 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Get-ApsisMailinglists 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Get-ApsisSubscribers 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Invoke-ApsisAPI 1.0 PowerApsis
Function New-ApsisMailingLists 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Register-ApsisEventAttendee 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Remove-ApsisMailingLists 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Remove-ApsisSubscriber 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Set-ApsisEventAttendeeStatus 1.0 PowerApsis
Function Set-ApsisSubscriber 1.0 PowerApsis