Extract Transform Load data from a staging area to a consumer area.
** 1) Staging ** 2) Transformation
A profiles.yml file needs to be created and populated accordingly.
- Git clone the project
- git clone https://github.com/FredGH/etl.git
- Create the Python Env
- rm -rf venv/
- python3.11 -m venv venv
- source ./venv/bin/activate
- Install Requirements:
- python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip
- [optional] mkdir $HOME/.dbt
- [optinal] cp profiles.yml $HOME/.dbt/
- Build Package:
- pip3.11 install -U pip setuptools
- python3.11 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
- pip3.11 install -e .
- [optional] pip install -Iv urllib3==1.26.15
- Init dbt
- [optional] rm -rf dbt_packages
- python3 ./scripts/dbt_init.py
- dbt build [model_name]
- Run fal
- fal run ./fal_scripts/test.py
- Run unit tests
- run in /dataproviders
- coverage run -m unittest discover
- coverage report -m (or coverage hml)
- run in /dataproviders
- Code cleanup & Standardisation
- ruff check . &isort . &black .
- python3 ./scripts/dbt_run.py
- Please contact the author
Contributors names and contact info freddy.marechal@gmail.com
- 0.0.1
- There is no license.
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.