- Running the required services
docker run -p 9200:9200 -e http.host= -e transport.host= --name testElasticsearch -d docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.2.3
docker run -p 5672:5672 --name testRabbitMQ -d rabbitmq:3.7.4
- Start the queue listener
node listener.js
- Generate fake information
node flood.js
- Install Kibana and connect it to your elasticsearch;
- All documents on Elasticsearch have just the field summary.elapsedTimeMinutes, now you need to add two more fields in all documents:
The field summary.reservationTimeMinutes must contain 25% of the summary.elapsedTimeMinutes value for car2go and 20% for other providers;
Update all documents, considering that in the real database it'll have at least 50 million documents. do it in the most performatic way - Save your solution somewhere in the project folder with a short explanation;
- Create a js file to print the sum of travelledDistanceMeters for car2go in Berlin;
- Create a chart using Kibana showing the total rides per provider in all cities - Save a screenshort in the project folder;
- Do your best to reorganize the project folder and the js files;
- Create a simple test to test for the function createDocument (listener.js);
- Send back your github repository link;