Reproduce all functionality that exists with the current paper bike binder and departed bikes binder system.
Take the following actions to get a cloned/pulled version to run locally
Rename the database config file (remove ".sample")
Install gems
Initialize and populate the database
mv config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml bundle install rake db:populate
Install missing (or out of date) gems
Reinitialize and repopulate the database
bundle install rake db:populate
Create the test database
Start the autotest
rake db:test_setup bundle exec guard
(See also
Generating ERD images using railroady (
rake diagram:all
Diagram state machines
rake state_machine:draw FILE=project.rb CLASS=Project rake state_machine:draw FILE=bike.rb CLASS=Bike rake state_machine:draw FILE=project/youth_detail.rb CLASS=Project::YouthDetail rake state_machine:draw FILE=project/eab_detail.rb CLASS=Project::EabDetail
Annotate models (list attributes as comments in the class file) (See
bundle exec annotate --position after
In order to get a functional prototype running, we need to adhere to a limit scope. We can add features later. If a feature is desired, but not in scope, it can be added to the outside scope list.
- Bike info sheet: Location, Characteristic (Size, mfg, model, color), Notes, Value, Departure & Arrival Dates
- Youth projects sheet: Program name, State (Active/inactive)
- Bike location tracking: Hook associations to bikes
- Bike info sheet: Location, Some characteristic, Notes, Departure Dates
- Youth projects sheet: Program name, State (Active/inactive), Inspection
- Bike location tracking: Hook associations to bikes
- Bike state
- Safety inspection
- Project progress
- Youth Project: repair log
- Hook: hook lookup
- Bike info sheet: Characteristic (Size, mfg, model, color), Value, Arrival Date
- User permissions
- Searching & filtering: bikes, hooks, projects
- Bike demographics (replacing hand-typed characteristics with suggestions or other databased backed data entry)
While we do not have an official guideline for the UI, I want feedback and suggestions to go here. I will start listing ideas and notes I have about what will keep our interface uncluttered and what will make it intuitive and easy to use.
- standardize visual elements to represent different interactions with the bike binder. eg, a blue underline link represents a Navigational action such as going to the Bikes index page.
- rounded buttons represent actions that have to to with creating and editing data eg, The Submit Note, Create New Bike buttons represent instantiating new comment or bike objects
- use icons effectively. We want them to help guide the user experience and not act only as eye candy. eg, a blue, underlined anchor may represent an action that manipulates data, so an icon can cue the user of the extra option. See one in use on the single bike overview page.
- sensible color scheme. Bootstrap is too minimalist.
- visual diagrams/photos demonstrating bike measurement jargon?
- display the bike color when rendering a bike view
- bike/freeride branding elements? bike with wings logo faded in background of header on certain pages?
- All of the necessary features and interactions to be able to successfully user the application for youth projects.
- UI elements to search the site; lookup of bikes & hooks; browse for bikes based on parameters
- Ability to sort filter and get basic reports for bikes and projects;
- Bike demographic data implemented to assist with searching/sorting/filtering
- Intuitive (and instructional) interface for entering new bikes
- Youth, Earn-a-bike, Fix-for-sale, Scrap, As-is purchases
- Inspections customized for each project
- Role based authorization for each project type as needed
- Help pages and documentation to guide users on how to interact with the application
- Mechanism implemented to provide user roles
- Locks in place to require different role based authorization
- Roles and authorization to allow application to go live without risk to data being corrupt
- Site is live and in-use
- Infrastructure support for: Back-ups and restore; Monitoring & notifying system status; Admin functionality to fix problems/take care of unexpected issues
- Record and display history of edits, projects, etc.
- Reporting of bike and project statistics
- Export of data via XML, CSV or EXCEL
(c) 2012 Free Ride Bicycle Project, See license for details