Global install through npm:
npm install -g multi-replace-in-files
Just type multi-replace-in-files to get up-to-date usage instructions.
For the initial version:
$ multi-replace-in-files
Usage: index [options] <replacementsFile> <filesToReplace> [<filesToIgnore>]
-h, --help output usage information
NOTE: filesToReplace and filesToIgnore can contain glob patterns and/or a comma-separated list.
With glob patterns, make sure to enclose in quotes!
The replacements file must contain a JSON array, consisting itself of arrays of size 2, e.g.
[ [ "from1", "to1" ], [ "from2", "to2" ] ]
Check the replace-in-file documentation to learn about regexes, glob patterns,...
- Allow replacements file to contain a JSON object, for simple scenarios.
- Allow comments in replacments file somehow.
- Recursive replacements (but beware of endless loops).
- Support advanced replace-in-file options: ignore file, dsiable globs, specify encoding
- Make escapeReplacementString optional.