Releases: Freenove/Freenove_Big_Hexapod_Robot_Kit_for_Raspberry_Pi
This modification is as follows:
1, the first time to run the Server folder about the Led code, please enter the corresponding adapter version according to the prompt, you can learn about the adapter in the tutorial.
2, part of the original server folder code is based on the rpi library and is no longer applicable to Raspberry PI 5, so it is deprecated. The server-pi5 folder is renamed the server folder. Code compatible with Raspberry PI 1-5.
3, merge the led function code. If your connection board version is V1.0, the led feature will only work on Raspberry PI 1-4, not Raspberry PI 5. If your connection board version is V2.0, the led feature can be used on Raspberry PI 1-5.
1, The code in the Server folder is applicable to the bullseye system, and the code is mainly based on the rpi library.
2, The code of Server-Pi5 folder is suitable for bookworm systems, and the code is mainly based on the gpiozero library.
3, Server and server-PI5 folder to achieve the same function, the difference is the underlying driver library is not the same.
4, The Ledpixel function is not available in Raspberry PI 5.