App for Windows to toggle Nvidia's Frame Rate Limiter (FRL) via command line
Run the app in terminal for usage instruction, but in case you're lazy:
Usage example:
frltoggle status prints the current FRL value. Value 0 means it's disabled.
frltoggle 0 turns off the framerate limiter.
frltoggle 60 sets the FPS limit to 60 (allowed values are [0, 1023]).
frltoggle 60 --save-previous sets the FPS limit to 60 and saves the previous value to a file.
frltoggle 60 --save-previous-or-reuse sets the FPS limit to 60 and saves the previous value to a file.
If the file already exists, its value will be validated and reused instead.
This is useful in case the system has crashed and we want to reuse the value from before the crash.
frltoggle load-file loads the value from file (e.g., saved using "--save-previous") and uses it to set FRL.
File is removed afterwards if no errors occur.