My own neovim configuration!
- File explorer
- Lsp
- Good mappings
- Tabs
- Automatic project management
- And much more 😁
- First update nvim
git clone && nvim
Action | Mapping | Description | Mode |
Leader Key | Space | The leader key | Normal |
Buffers | |||
Switch buffers | Tab | Switch buffers. | Normal |
Reverse switch buffers | Shift-Tab | Reverse switch buffers. | Normal |
Buffer new | leader-b | Open a new buffer. | Normal |
Buffer close | leader-x | Close the current buffer. | Normal |
Goto buffer 1 | Ctrl-1 | Jump to buffer 1. | Normal |
Goto buffer 2 | Ctrl-2 | Jump to buffer 2. | Normal |
Goto buffer 3 | Ctrl-3 | Jump to buffer 3. | Normal |
Goto buffer 4 | Ctrl-4 | Jump to buffer 4. | Normal |
Goto buffer 5 | Ctrl-5 | Jump to buffer 5. | Normal |
Goto buffer 6 | Ctrl-6 | Jump to buffer 6. | Normal |
Goto buffer 7 | Ctrl-7 | Jump to buffer 7. | Normal |
Goto buffer 8 | Ctrl-8 | Jump to buffer 8. | Normal |
Goto buffer 9 | Ctrl-9 | Jump to buffer 9. | Normal |
Goto last buffer | Ctrl-0 | Jump to the last buffer. | Normal |
Pin buffer | Alt-p | Pin the current buffer. | Normal |
Windows | |||
Vertical split | leader-v | Split the window vertically. | Normal |
Horizontal split | leader-h | Split the window horizontally. | Normal |
Switch window left | Ctrl-h | Move to the window on the left. | Normal |
Switch window right | Ctrl-l | Move to the window on the right. | Normal |
Switch window down | Ctrl-j | Move to the window below. | Normal |
Switch window up | Ctrl-k | Move to the window above. | Normal |
Close window | leader-cw | Close the current window. | Normal |
Terminal | |||
Toggle terminal (horizontal) | Alt-h | Toggle horizontal terminal. | Normal, Terminal |
Toggle terminal (vertical) | Alt-v | Toggle vertical terminal. | Normal, Terminal |
Toggle terminal (float) | Alt-i | Toggle floating terminal. | Normal, Terminal |
Escape terminal mode | Ctrl-x | Exit terminal mode. | Terminal |
LSP | |||
LSP diagnostic loclist | leader-ds | Show diagnostic loclist. | Normal |
LSP declaration | gD | Go to declaration. | Normal |
LSP definition | gd | Go to definition. | Normal |
LSP hover | K | Show hover information. | Normal |
LSP implementation | gi | Go to implementation. | Normal |
LSP signature help | leader-ls | Show signature help. | Normal |
LSP type definition | leader-D | Go to type definition. | Normal |
LSP rename | leader-ra | Rename symbol. | Normal |
LSP code action | leader-ca | Show code actions. | Normal |
LSP references | gr | Show references. | Normal |
Floating diagnostic | leader-lf | Show floating diagnostic. | Normal |
Goto previous diagnostic | [d | Go to previous diagnostic. | Normal |
Goto next diagnostic | ]d | Go to next diagnostic. | Normal |
Diagnostic setloclist | leader-q | Set diagnostic loclist. | Normal |
Add workspace folder | leader-wa | Add workspace folder. | Normal |
Remove workspace folder | leader-wr | Remove workspace folder. | Normal |
List workspace folders | leader-wl | List workspace folders. | Normal |
Python | |||
Change Python venv | leader-cv | Switch Python virtual environment. | Normal |
Comment | |||
Comment toggle (normal mode) | leader-/ | Toggle comment in normal mode. | Normal |
Comment toggle (visual mode) | leader-/ | Toggle comment in visual mode. | Visual |
Telescope | |||
Telescope live grep | leader-fw | Search with live grep. | Normal |
Telescope find buffers | leader-fb | Find buffers. | Normal |
Telescope help page | leader-fh | Search help pages. | Normal |
Telescope find marks | leader-ma | Search marks. | Normal |
Telescope find oldfiles | leader-fo | Find old files. | Normal |
Telescope find in current buffer | leader-fz | Search in the current buffer. | Normal |
Telescope git commits | leader-cm | Search git commits. | Normal |
Telescope git status | leader-gt | Search git status. | Normal |
Telescope pick hidden term | leader-pt | Pick hidden terminal. | Normal |
Telescope themes | leader-th | Select themes. | Normal |
Telescope find files | leader-ff | Search for files, including hidden. | Normal |
Telescope find all files | leader-fa | Search all files, following links and showing hidden. | Normal |
Pomodoro | |||
Start Pomodoro timer | leader-ps | Start the Pomodoro timer. | Normal |
Stop Pomodoro timer | leader-pq | Stop the Pomodoro timer. | Normal |
Pomodoro timer status | leader-pa | Show the Pomodoro timer status. | Normal |
Miscellaneous | |||
Toggle line number | leader-n | Toggle line numbering. | Normal |
Toggle relative number | leader-rn | Toggle relative numbering. | Normal |
Format files | leader-fm | Format files using Conform and LSP. | Normal |
Add current dir as a project | leader-ci | Add the current directory as a project. | Normal |
Delete current dir as a project | leader-pd | Delete the current directory as a project. | Normal |
General clear highlights | Esc | Clear search highlights. | Normal |
Increase window height | Alt-1 | Increase the height of the current window. | Normal |
Decrease window height | Alt-2 | Decrease the height of the current window. | Normal |
Move to the beginning of the line | Ctrl-b | Move cursor to the beginning of the line. | Insert |
Move to the end of the line | Ctrl-e | Move cursor to the end of the line. | Insert |
Move left | Ctrl-h | Move cursor left. | Insert |
Move right | Ctrl-l | Move cursor right. | Insert |
Move down | Ctrl-j | Move cursor down. | Insert |
Move up | Ctrl-k | Move cursor up. | Insert |
Add line on top | leader-O | Add a new line above the current line and stay in normal mode. | Normal |
Add line at the bottom | leader-o | Add a new line below the current line and stay in normal mode. | Normal |
You can see the configurations for all plugins in the /lua/configs/
- Project directory pattern. (You can add your own)
project_dir_pattern = { ".git", ".gitignore", "Cargo.toml", "package.json", "go.mod", "*.nimble", ".venv", "", "src", "isproj", "prlist", "v.mod", ".venv", "frontend", "backend", "server", "*.mod", },