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How To Asset Replace

Jasmine 'Jazzrabbit' Stephens edited this page Mar 12, 2024 · 1 revision

This article will go over how to use Fuji to replace various assets within the game. This assumes you've followed the steps in Mod Setup Basics.

Setting Up The New Asset

Asset Replacement is a fairly straightforward process. To set it up, you're first going to want to find the asset you want to replace in the Game's Content folder. For this example, we will be replacing the strawberry icon that displays in the game's UI with a golden strawberry example. So to get started, we can find that icon in the Sprites folder under the name "icon_strawberry". Pay attention to the name of the asset you want to replace, as it will be important later.

Sprite Folder Example

If you'd like, you can copy that asset as a base for your new asset you are replacing it with, or you can make something new entirely from scratch. In this example, we will be replacing it with this custom golden strawberry icon:

Golden Strawberry Icon

Once you have you're new asset ready, you'll need to put it in your mod folder that was created in the initial setup steps. Make a new Folder with the same name as the folder where you found the original images (i.e. "Sprites" in this example). Put your new asset in this folder, and keep track of its name.

Setting Up The Asset Replacement In Your Fuji.json File

Now that your asset is all set up, you'll need to configure it in your Fuji.json file. Add the following lines next to the other properties in that file:

"AssetReplaceItems": {
    "<vanilla-asset-name>": "<mod-asset-name>"

(See the Mod Setup Basics. page for more details on the exact file structure)

In this example, since we are replacing the "icon_strawberry" image with our custom "icon_golden_strawberry", it will look like this:

"AssetReplaceItems": {
    "icon_strawberry": "icon_golden_strawberry"

This should include just the file name itself, not the path or the extension.

If needed, you can also replace multiple assets at once by having multiple rows separated by commas like:

"AssetReplaceItems": {
    "icon_strawberry": "icon_golden_strawberry",
    "icon_skull": "icon_golden_skull"

If everything is set up correctly, you should now be able to launch the game and see your asset in game!

Golden Strawberry Icon

Replacing Strings and Dialog Lines

  • Coming Soon

Additional Notes:

  • You are currently able to replace most asset types including: Textures, Models, Sprites, Faces, Fonts, and Shaders.
  • Replacing Sounds and Music is not currently supported.
  • If multiple mods are installed, there is no way to guarantee which will take priority, so if modders have multiple asset replacement mods replacing the same asset, the game will just pick the first one it finds.