This is a widget that can automatically monitor whether the child widget is exposed.
When the child widget is found in the window viewport, it begin detecting.
When stay time exceeds the exposure time condition (default is 0.5s) and the exposure area is greater than the visibility fraction condition (default 50%),It will trigger the exposure callback and record the Key value in a queue (the default is to store up to 100 keys).
When encounter the same key in the queue, it won't detect.
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file.
exposure: ^1.0.3
key: Key('exposure'), // Custom Key
child: childWidget, //Child Widget
exposure: callBack // Exposure Callback
- ExposureDetectorController.instance.setFilterList:Function (default 100) Set key queue
- ExposureDetectorController.instance.exposureTime:Int (default 500) Set exposure time condition (ms)
- ExposureDetectorController.instance.exposureFraction:Double (default 0.5) Set visibility fraction condition
- ExposureDetectorController.instance.updateInterval:Duration (default Duration(milliseconds: 200))Set delay detection time