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The gene data (~36.5M records, ~5GB) can be downloaded from here:

Place the downloaded tsv file in the root folder of this project into a folder called ./dataloader/data and name it 'gene_info.tsv'.


This repository will hold the projects for the different exercises in the module "Medical Software Development".

System landscape



  • dataanalyzer
    • a python script which will load the tsv file and extract its data into a pandas dataframe to perform basic analyzing and row counting
    • note: these python packages are required to run the script:
  • dataloader
    • a java project for loading the data into a MySQL database. Due to the high volume of data, the script can run for several minutes.
    • works with Apache Ant
      ant clean && ant dist
  • geneservice (:9090)
    • REST API Webservice created with Java SpringBoot
    • connects to the MySql gene database running on port 3306
    • <java.version>17</java.version>
    • Uses Maven as build tool
      mvn clean && mvn package
    • creates logs with logback under the folder "logs" with a RollingFileAppender (one log file per day)
    • uses Swagger-UI to describe the various endpoints (http://localhost:9090/swagger-ui/index.html)
  • genewebapp (:8080)
    • JSF web application
    • connects to the API
    • <java.version>17</java.version>
    • Uses Maven as build tool
      mvn clean && mvn tomcat7:redeploy
    • Addtitional features: Pagination, API status message, custom styling with Bootstrap 5, additional table column "taxId"
  • genereactapp (:3000)
    • additional gene client application
    • connects to the API
    • responsive design for mobile devices
    • highlight: pagination through infinite scroll feature
    • React uses NPM as package and build tool
      npm install
      npm run start