NR491 Geospatial Analytics for Environmental Change (NR491) at NC State University.
This is an upper level undergraduate course in geospatial analytics for environmental change and natural resource management applications. Through this course, you will become familiar with the main types of geospatial data (vector, raster data). Through hands-on data lectures, you will learn geospatial analytics techniques needed to answer practical questions that interrogate geospatial data. You will become familiar with standard libraries in Python (the most widely used programming language in industry) for manipulating vector and raster data and interacting with data APIs.
Prerequisites @ NC State include a GIS or data analytics class (e.g., GIS205, GIS280).
This course is being developed by Dr. Mirela Tulbure, Mollie Gaines, and Vini Perin from the Geospatial Analysis for Environmental Change Lab at NC State University and is being offered for the first time in the fall of 2022.