![GDSC DEU logo](/GDSC-DEU/gdsc-deu.github.io/raw/main/assets/img/GDSC Logo chapter.png)
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GDSC Chapter
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- Ruby version 2.5.0 or higher
- RubyGems
- GCC and Make
See prerequrisites for guides and details.
Below is an example of how you can instruct your audience on installing and setting up your app.
- Install all prerequisites.
- Install the jekyll and bundler gems.
gem install jekyll bundler
- Clone the repo and change into the repo's directory.
git clone https://github.com/GDSC-DEU/gdsc-deu.github.io.git cd ./gdsc-deu.github.io
- Install all dependency.
bundle install
You can also use Docker to run the site locally.
docker run --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" -p 4000:4000 -it jekyll/jekyll jekyll serve
bundle exec jekyll serve
- You can check the demo site by accessing https://localhost:4000.
├── _data # Well-formatted site data.
├── _includes # The partials of layouts and posts.
├── _layouts # The templates that wrap posts.
├── _members # GDSC Member Information.
├── _pages # Website pages (that are not posts)
├── _posts # Where all blog posts will go.
├── _sass # Partials of `style.scss` file.
├── _assets # Style sheets and images are found here.
| ├── css # CSS file go here.
| | └── styles.scss # Main SCSS file.
| └── font # Font file go here.
| └── img # Image file go here.
├── _config.yml # Site settings.
├── .gitignore # Manage untracked files.
├── 404.html # Custom and responsive 404 page.
├── Gemfile # Ruby Gemfile for managing Jekyll plugins.
├── index.html # Main page.
└── README.md # Includes all of the documentation for this site.
- Use the Google HTML/CSS Guideline.
- Create issues about the work.
- Create a branch on the issue.
- Commit, push to the created branch.
- When the work is completed, request a pull request to main branch after rebaseing the main branch.
- Review the code and merge it.
Use author name and issue number into the branch names according to the format below:
E.g., jiyoon_43_feature_new-experimental-changes
Referred to Conventional Commits.
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
Current Maintainers:
- Jiyoon Bak (jiy00nn) - https://github.com/jiy00nn