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alexbenedicto committed Sep 12, 2024
1 parent 8495595 commit 47b6380
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Showing 2 changed files with 99 additions and 344 deletions.
109 changes: 34 additions & 75 deletions geos-mesh/src/geos/mesh/doctor/checks/
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Expand Up @@ -5,41 +5,22 @@
from tqdm import tqdm
import networkx
import numpy
from typing import (
from typing import Collection, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, TypeAlias
from vtk import vtkDataArray
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import (
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import (
from vtkmodules.util.numpy_support import (
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkIdList, vtkPoints
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import ( vtkCell, vtkCellArray, vtkPolygon, vtkUnstructuredGrid, VTK_POLYGON,
from vtkmodules.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy, numpy_to_vtk
from vtkmodules.util.vtkConstants import VTK_ID_TYPE

from . import vtk_utils
from .vtk_utils import (
from .vtk_polyhedron import (
FaceStream, )
from import ( VtkOutput, vtk_iter, to_vtk_id_list, read_mesh, write_mesh,
has_invalid_field )
from import FaceStream
TypeAliases used in this file
IDMapping: TypeAlias = Mapping[ int, int ]
CellsPointsCoords: TypeAlias = dict[ int, list[ tuple[ float ] ] ]
Coordinates3D: TypeAlias = tuple[ float ]

class FracturePolicy( Enum ):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,14 +48,6 @@ class FractureInfo:
face_nodes: Iterable[ Collection[ int ] ] # For each fracture face, returns the nodes of this face

TypeAliases used in this file
IDMapping: TypeAlias = Mapping[ int, int ]
CellsPointsCoords: TypeAlias = dict[ int, list[ tuple[ float ] ] ]
Coordinates3D: TypeAlias = tuple[ float ]

def build_node_to_cells( mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
face_nodes: Iterable[ Iterable[ int ] ] ) -> dict[ int, Iterable[ int ] ]:
# TODO normally, just a list and not a set should be enough.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,7 +104,7 @@ def __build_fracture_info_from_fields( mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, f: Sequence[ i

def __build_fracture_info_from_internal_surfaces( mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, f: Sequence[ int ],
field_values: frozenset[ int ] ) -> FractureInfo:
node_to_cells: dict[ int, list[ int ] ] = {}
node_to_cells: dict[ int, list[ int ] ] = defaultdict( list )
face_nodes: list[ Collection[ int ] ] = list()
for cell_id in tqdm( range( mesh.GetNumberOfCells() ), desc="Computing the face to nodes mapping" ):
cell = mesh.GetCell( cell_id )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,21 +237,20 @@ def cells_points_coordinates( mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid ) -> CellsPointsCoords:
dict[int, list[tuple[float]]]: {cell_id1: [(pt0_x, pt0_y, pt0_z), ...], ..., cell_idN: [...]}
for a mesh containing N cells.
cells_points_coordinates: CellsPointsCoords = {}
cells_points_coordinates: CellsPointsCoords = dict()
for i in range( mesh.GetNumberOfCells() ):
cell: vtkCell = mesh.GetCell( i )
cells_points_coordinates[ i ] = list()
cell_points = cell.GetPoints()
for v in range( cell.GetNumberOfPoints() ):
node_coordinates: Coordinates3D = cell_points.GetPoint( v )
# to avoid floating value approximations when comparing coordinates, we truncate them
truncated_coordinates: Coordinates3D = ( round( coord, 3 ) for coord in node_coordinates )
truncated_coordinates: Coordinates3D = tuple( [ round( coord, 3 ) for coord in node_coordinates ] )
cells_points_coordinates[ i ].append( truncated_coordinates )
return cells_points_coordinates

def link_new_cells_id_with_old_cells_id( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid ) -> IDMapping:
def link_new_cells_id_with_old_cells_id( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid ) -> IDMapping:
"""After mapping each cell id to a list of its points coordinates for the old and new mesh,
it is possible to determine the link between old and new cell id by coordinates position.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,7 +296,7 @@ def __copy_cell_data( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGr f"Copying cell field \"{input_array.GetName()}\"." )
if is_fracture_mesh:
array_name: str = input_array.GetName()
old_values: list = vtk_to_numpy( input_array ).tolist()
old_values: numpy.array = vtk_to_numpy( input_array )
useful_values: list = list()
for old_cell_id in new_to_old_cells.values():
useful_values.append( old_values[ old_cell_id ] )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,8 +325,7 @@ def __copy_field_data( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredG

# TODO consider the fracture_mesh case ?
def __copy_point_data( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
collocated_nodes: Sequence[ int ] ):
def __copy_point_data( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid ):
"""Copy the point data arrays from the old mesh to the new mesh.
Does not consider the fracture_mesh case.
Expand All @@ -368,22 +339,11 @@ def __copy_point_data( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredG
input_array = input_point_data.GetArray( i ) f"Copying point field \"{input_array.GetName()}\"." )
tmp = input_array.NewInstance()
tmp.SetName( input_array.GetName() )
tmp.SetNumberOfComponents( input_array.GetNumberOfComponents() )
tmp.SetNumberOfTuples( new_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints() )
for p in range( tmp.GetNumberOfTuples() ):
collocated_nodes_p = collocated_nodes[ p ]
if isinstance( collocated_nodes_p, numpy.integer ):
tmp.SetTuple( p, input_array.GetTuple( collocated_nodes_p ) )
else: # when using collocated_nodes from fracture mesh, it ia an array
tmp.SetTuple( p, input_array.GetTuple( collocated_nodes_p[ 0 ] ) )
tmp.DeepCopy( input_array )
new_mesh.GetPointData().AddArray( tmp )

def __copy_fields( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
collocated_nodes: Sequence[ int ],
is_fracture_mesh: bool = False ) -> None:
def __copy_fields( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, new_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, is_fracture_mesh: bool = False ):
Copies the fields from the old mesh to the new one.
Point data will be duplicated for collocated nodes.
Expand All @@ -394,21 +354,20 @@ def __copy_fields( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
:return: None
# Mesh cannot contains global ids before splitting.
if vtk_utils.has_invalid_field( old_mesh, [ "GLOBAL_IDS_POINTS", "GLOBAL_IDS_CELLS" ] ):
if has_invalid_field( old_mesh, [ "GLOBAL_IDS_POINTS", "GLOBAL_IDS_CELLS" ] ):
err_msg: str = (
"The mesh cannot contain global ids for neither cells nor points. The correct procedure is to split" +
" the mesh and then generate global ids for new split meshes. Dying ..."
" the mesh and then generate global ids for new split meshes. Dying ..." )
logging.error( err_msg )
raise ValueError( err_msg )

__copy_cell_data( old_mesh, new_mesh, is_fracture_mesh )
__copy_field_data( old_mesh, new_mesh )
__copy_point_data( old_mesh, new_mesh, collocated_nodes )
__copy_point_data( old_mesh, new_mesh )

def __perform_split( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
cell_to_node_mapping: Mapping[ int, IDMapping ] ) -> vtkUnstructuredGrid:
def __perform_split( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, cell_to_node_mapping: Mapping[ int,
IDMapping ] ) -> vtkUnstructuredGrid:
Split the main 3d mesh based on the node duplication information contained in @p cell_to_node_mapping
:param old_mesh: The main 3d mesh.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,7 +436,7 @@ def __perform_split( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
cell_point_ids.SetId( i, new_point_id )
new_mesh.InsertNextCell( cell_type, cell_point_ids )

__copy_fields( old_mesh, new_mesh, collocated_nodes )
__copy_fields( old_mesh, new_mesh )

return new_mesh

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,7 +526,7 @@ def __generate_fracture_mesh( old_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, fracture_info: Frac
fracture_mesh.SetCells( [ VTK_POLYGON ] * polygons.GetNumberOfCells(), polygons )
fracture_mesh.GetPointData().AddArray( array )

__copy_fields( old_mesh, fracture_mesh, collocated_nodes, True )
__copy_fields( old_mesh, fracture_mesh, True )

return fracture_mesh

Expand All @@ -576,24 +535,24 @@ def __split_mesh_on_fracture( mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid,
options: Options ) -> tuple[ vtkUnstructuredGrid, vtkUnstructuredGrid ]:
fracture: FractureInfo = build_fracture_info( mesh, options )
cell_to_cell: networkx.Graph = build_cell_to_cell_graph( mesh, fracture )
cell_to_node_mapping: Mapping[ int, IDMapping ] = __identify_split( mesh.GetNumberOfPoints(),
cell_to_cell, fracture.node_to_cells )
cell_to_node_mapping: Mapping[ int, IDMapping ] = __identify_split( mesh.GetNumberOfPoints(), cell_to_cell,
fracture.node_to_cells )
output_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid = __perform_split( mesh, cell_to_node_mapping )
fractured_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid = __generate_fracture_mesh( mesh, fracture, cell_to_node_mapping )
return output_mesh, fractured_mesh

def __check( mesh, options: Options ) -> Result:
output_mesh, fracture_mesh = __split_mesh_on_fracture( mesh, options )
vtk_utils.write_mesh( output_mesh, options.vtk_output )
vtk_utils.write_mesh( fracture_mesh, options.vtk_fracture_output )
write_mesh( output_mesh, options.vtk_output )
write_mesh( fracture_mesh, options.vtk_fracture_output )
# TODO provide statistics about what was actually performed (size of the fracture, number of split nodes...).
return Result( info="OK" )

def check( vtk_input_file: str, options: Options ) -> Result:
mesh = vtk_utils.read_mesh( vtk_input_file )
mesh = read_mesh( vtk_input_file )
return __check( mesh, options )
except BaseException as e:
logging.error( e )
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