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Improved implementation of operations
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alexbenedicto committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 479a1b2 commit 4b200a7
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Showing 4 changed files with 90 additions and 197 deletions.
34 changes: 13 additions & 21 deletions docs/geos-mesh.rst
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Expand Up @@ -126,33 +126,25 @@ The term 'operations' covers two distinct categories:
.. code-block::
$ python src/geos/mesh/doctor/ field_operations --help
usage: field_operations [-h] [--support point, cell] [--source SOURCE] [--copy_fields COPY_FIELDS]
[--create_fields CREATE_FIELDS] [--which_vtm WHICH_VTM] --output OUTPUT
[--data-mode binary, ascii]
usage: field_operations [-h] [--support point, cell] [--source SOURCE] [--operations OPERATIONS]
[--which_vtm WHICH_VTM] --output OUTPUT [--data-mode binary, ascii]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--support point, cell
[string]: Where to define field.
--source SOURCE [string]: Where field data to use for operation comes from .vtu, .vtm or .pvd file.
--copy_fields COPY_FIELDS
[list of string comma separated]: Allows to copy a field from an input mesh to an output mesh.
This copy can also be done while applying a coefficient on the copied field.
The syntax to use is 'old_field_name:new_field_name:function'.
Example: The available fields in your input mesh are 'poro,perm,temp,pressure'.
First, to copy 'poro' without any modification use 'poro'.
Then, to copy 'perm' and change its name to 'permeability' use 'perm:permeability'.
After, to copy 'temp' and change its name to 'temperature' and to increase the values by 3 use 'temp:temperature:+3'.
Finally, to copy 'pressure' without changing its name and to multiply the values by 10 use 'pressure:pressure:*10'.
The combined syntax is '--copy_fields poro,perm:permeability,temp:temperature:+3,pressure:pressure:*10'.
--create_fields CREATE_FIELDS
[list of string comma separated]: Allows to create new fields by using a function that is either pre-defined or to implement one.
The syntax to use is 'new_field_name:function'.
Predefined functions are: 'distances_mesh_center' calculates the distance from the center.
random' populates an array with samples from a uniform distribution over (0, 1).
An example would be '--create_fields new_distances:distances_mesh_center'.
The other method is to implement a function using the 'numexpr' library functionalities.
For example, if in your source vtk data you have a cell array called 'PERMEABILITY' and you want to create a new field that is the log of this field, you can use: '--create_fields log_perm:log(PERMEABILITY)'.
--operations OPERATIONS
[list of string comma separated]: The syntax here is function0:new_name0, function1:new_name1, ...
Allows to perform a wide arrays of operations to add new data to your output mesh using the source file data.
Examples are the following:
1. Copy of the field 'poro' from the input to the ouput with 'poro:poro'.
2. Copy of the field 'PERM' from the input to the ouput with a multiplication of the values by 10 with 'PERM*10:PERM'.
3. Copy of the field 'TEMP' from the input to the ouput with an addition to the values by 0.5 and change the name of the field to 'temperature' with 'TEMP+0.5:TEMPERATURE'.
4. Create a new field 'NEW_PARAM' using the input 'PERM' field and having the square root of it with 'sqrt(PERM):NEW_PARAM'.
Another method is to use precoded functions available which are:
1. 'distances_mesh_center' will create a field where the distances from the mesh centerare calculated for all the elements chosen as support. To use: 'distances_mesh_center:NEW_FIELD_NAME'.
2. 'random' will create a field with samples from a uniform distribution over (0, 1). To use: 'random:NEW_FIELD_NAME'.
--which_vtm WHICH_VTM
[string]: If your input is a .pvd, choose which .vtm (each .vtm corresponding to a unique timestep) will be used for the operation.
To do so, you can choose amongst these possibilities: 'first' will select the initial timestep;
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84 changes: 16 additions & 68 deletions geos-mesh/src/geos/mesh/doctor/checks/
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from import ( VtkOutput, get_points_coords_from_vtk, get_cell_centers_array,
get_vtm_filepath_from_pvd, get_vtu_filepaths_from_vtm,
get_all_array_names, read_mesh, write_mesh )
from math import sqrt
from numpy import array, empty, full, int64, nan
from numpy import array, empty, full, sqrt, int64, nan
from numpy.random import rand
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from tqdm import tqdm
Expand All @@ -17,8 +16,7 @@
class Options:
support: str # choice between 'cell' and 'point' to operate on fields
source: str # file from where the data is collected
copy_fields: list[ tuple[ str ] ] # [ ( old_name0, new_name0, function0 ), ... ]
created_fields: list[ tuple[ str ] ] # [ ( new_name0, function0 ), ... ]
operations: list[ tuple[ str ] ] # [ ( function0, new_name0 ), ... ]
vtm_index: int # useful when source is a .pvd or .vtm file
vtk_output: VtkOutput

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +57,8 @@ def get_distances_mesh_center( mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, support: str ) -> arra
coord = coords[ i ]
for j in range( len( coord ) ):
distance_squared += ( coord[ j ] - center[ j ] ) * ( coord[ j ] - center[ j ] )
distances[ i ] = sqrt( distance_squared )
distances[ i ] = distance_squared
distances = sqrt( distances )
return distances

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,35 +131,6 @@ def get_reorder_mapping( kd_tree_grid_ref: KDTree, sub_grid: vtkUnstructuredGrid
return mapping

def __compatible_meshes( dest_mesh, source_mesh ) -> bool:
# for now, just check that meshes have same number of elements and same number of nodes
# and require that each cell has same nodes, each node has same coordinate
dest_ne = dest_mesh.GetNumberOfCells()
dest_nn = dest_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints()
source_ne = source_mesh.GetNumberOfCells()
source_nn = source_mesh.GetNumberOfPoints()

if dest_ne != source_ne:
logging.error( 'meshes have different number of cells' )
return False
if dest_nn != source_nn:
logging.error( 'meshes have different number of nodes' )
return False

for i in range( dest_nn ):
if not ( ( dest_mesh.GetPoint( i ) ) == ( source_mesh.GetPoint( i ) ) ):
logging.error( 'at least one node is in a different location' )
return False

for i in range( dest_ne ):
if not ( vtk_to_numpy( dest_mesh.GetCell( i ).GetPoints().GetData() ) == vtk_to_numpy(
source_mesh.GetCell( i ).GetPoints().GetData() ) ).all():
logging.error( 'at least one cell has different nodes' )
return False

return True

def get_array_names_to_collect_and_options( sub_vtu_filepath: str,
options: Options ) -> tuple[ list[ tuple[ str ] ], Options ]:
"""We need to have the list of array names that are required to perform copy and creation of new arrays. To build
Expand All @@ -181,21 +151,11 @@ def get_array_names_to_collect_and_options( sub_vtu_filepath: str,
support_array_names = list( all_array_names[ "CellData" ].keys() )

to_use_arrays: set[ str ] = set()
to_use_copy: list[ tuple[ str ] ] = list()
for name_newname_function in options.copy_fields:
name: str = name_newname_function[ 0 ]
if name in support_array_names:
to_use_arrays.add( name )
to_use_copy.append( name_newname_function )
logging.warning( f"The field named '{name}' does not exist in '{sub_vtu_filepath}' " +
f"{} data. Cannot perform copy operation on it." )

to_use_create: list[ tuple[ str ] ] = list()
for newname_function in options.created_fields:
funct: str = newname_function[ 1 ]
to_use_operate: list[ tuple[ str ] ] = list()
for function_newname in options.operations:
funct: str = function_newname[ 0 ]
if funct in create_precoded_fields:
to_use_create.append( newname_function )
to_use_operate.append( function_newname )

is_usable: bool = False
Expand All @@ -204,12 +164,12 @@ def get_array_names_to_collect_and_options( sub_vtu_filepath: str,
to_use_arrays.add( support_array_name )
is_usable = True
if is_usable:
to_use_create.append( newname_function )
to_use_operate.append( function_newname )
logging.warning( f"Cannot perform create operations with '{funct}' because some or all the fields do not " +
logging.warning( f"Cannot perform operations with '{funct}' because some or all the fields do not " +
f"exist in '{sub_vtu_filepath}'." )

updated_options: Options = Options(, options.source, to_use_copy, to_use_create, options.vtm_index,
updated_options: Options = Options(, options.source, to_use_operate, options.vtm_index,
options.vtk_output )
return ( list( to_use_arrays ), updated_options )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,21 +210,9 @@ def implement_arrays( mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid, global_arrays: dict[ str, array

arrays_to_implement: dict[ str, array ] = dict()
# proceed copy operations
for name_newname_function in tqdm( options.copy_fields, desc="Copying fields" ):
name, new_name = name_newname_function[ 0 ], name_newname_function[ 0 ]
if len( name_newname_function ) > 1:
new_name = name_newname_function[ 1 ]
if len( name_newname_function ) == 3:
funct: str = name_newname_function[ 2 ]
copy_arr: array = evaluate( name + funct, local_dict=global_arrays )
copy_arr = global_arrays[ name ]
arrays_to_implement[ new_name ] = copy_arr

# proceed create operations
for newname_function in tqdm( options.created_fields, desc="Creating fields" ):
new_name, funct = newname_function
# proceed operations
for function_newname in tqdm( options.operations, desc="Performing operations" ):
funct, new_name = function_newname
if funct in create_precoded_fields:
created_arr: array = create_precoded_fields[ funct ]( mesh, )
Expand All @@ -288,8 +236,8 @@ def __check( grid_ref: vtkUnstructuredGrid, options: Options ) -> Result:
sub_vtu_filepaths: tuple[ str ] = get_vtu_filepaths( options )
array_names_to_collect, new_options = get_array_names_to_collect_and_options( sub_vtu_filepaths[ 0 ], options )
if len( array_names_to_collect ) == 0:
raise ValueError( "No array corresponding to the operations suggested for either copy or creation was found " +
f"in the source {} data. Check your support and source file." )
raise ValueError( "No array corresponding to the operations suggested was found in the source" +
f" {} data. Check your support and source file." )
# create the output grid
output_mesh: vtkUnstructuredGrid = grid_ref.NewInstance()
output_mesh.CopyStructure( grid_ref )
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