Added notice for administrator
s to warn them about their powers.
Added history of board positions to member profiles of board members.
Added option to mark course documents as scanned
to improve quality of watermarked PDF.
Added option for organisers of activities to view sign-up list details up to a month after the activity ended.
Added more detailed suggestions to failed searches to help with getting results.
Added notice to polls to prevent personal data from appearing in polls.
Added horizontal watermark to course documents to help with automatic OCR detection.
Added button to historical poll overview to go to the current poll.
Added language aware router for localised URLs (e.g. ).
Added localisable routes to custom pages.
Changed how historical polls are displayed and interacted with.
Changed coding standard to catch issues before they make it to production.
Changed map provider for photo locations from Google Maps to OpenStreetMap.
Changed how translations are compiled.
Changed localisation of polls.
Changed validation of poll questions to always require them to end with a question mark.
Improved support for password managers to autofill and change passwords.
Improved diff
display for proposed updates to activities and vacancies.
Improved selecting required viewing privileges for custom pages by exchanging the text field with a list.
Improved consistency of page headings for custom pages.
Improved synchronisation script for GEWISDB by replacing not dropping all data at once.
Improved layout of album overview when albums have long titles.
Fixed issue where long poll options were not split across multiple lines.
Fixed issue where it was not possible to update a JobCategory
Fixed issue where poll question was not shown on the frontpage.
Fixed issue where renaming a MeetingDocument
would redirect away from the current page.
Fixed issue where it was not possible to unsubscribe from an activity.
Fixed issue where organ functions where displayed for the wrong organ due to incorrect deduplication and ordering of organ hashes.
Fixed issue where e-mails with a Reply-To
with special characters resulted in an exception.
Fixed issue where MariaDB healthcheck did no longer work.
Fixed issue where birthdays of expired memberships/graduate statuses were shown on July 1.
Fixed issue where it was not possible to view activity update proposals when the organiser was removed in the update.
Fixed issue where it was possible to approve activity update proposals without having the proper privileges.
Fixed issue where it was possible to comment on old or unapproved polls.
Fixed issue where certain sign-up list fields would not show when selected.
Fixed issue where errors in the synchronisation script for GEWISDB could result in (temporary) loss of data.
Fixed issue where it was not possible to close a dropdown that was open by default on mobile devices.
Fixed issue where (un)collapsing the main navbar would also (un)collapse the admin navbar.
Updated dependencies.
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