A free and open visual editor for the MapLibre GL styles targeted at developers and map designers.
- π Design your maps online at https://www.maplibre.org/maputnik/ (all in local storage)
- π Use the Maputnik CLI for local style development
- In a Docker, run this command and browse to http://localhost:8888, Ctrl+C to stop the server.
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:80 ghcr.io/maplibre/maputnik:main
The documentation can be found in the Wiki. You are welcome to collaborate!
- π Study the Maputnik Wiki
- πΉ Design a map from Scratch https://youtu.be/XoDh0gEnBQo
Maputnik is written in typescript and is using React and MapLibre GL JS.
We ensure building and developing Maputnik works with the current active LTS Node.js version and above.
Join the #maplibre or #maputnik slack channel at OSMUS: get an invite at https://slack.openstreetmap.us/ Read the the below guide in order to get familiar with how we do things around here.
Install the deps, start the dev server and open the web browser on http://localhost:8888/
# install dependencies
npm install
# start dev server
npm run start
If you want Maputnik to be accessible externally use the --host
# start externally accessible dev server
npm run start -- --host
The build process will watch for changes to the filesystem, rebuild and autoreload the editor.
npm run build
Lint the JavaScript code.
# run linter
npm run lint
npm run lint-styles
For E2E testing we use Cypress
Cypress doesn't starts a server so you'll need to start one manually by running npm run start
Now open a terminal and run the following using chrome:
npm run test
or firefox:
npm run test -- --browser firefox
See the following docs for more info: (Launching Browsers)[https://docs.cypress.io/guides/guides/launching-browsers]
You can also see the tests as they run or select which suites to run by executing:
npm run cy:open
- maputnik-dev-server - An express.js server that allows for quickly loading the style from any mapboxGL map into mapuntnik.
Thanks to the supporters of the Kickstarter campaign. This project would not be possible without these commercial and individual sponsors. You can see this file's history for previous sponsors of the original Maputnik repo. Read more about the MapLibre Sponsorship Program at https://maplibre.org/sponsors/.
Maputnik is licensed under MIT and is Copyright (c) Lukas Martinelli and Maplibre contributors. As contributor please take extra care of not violating any Mapbox trademarks. Do not get inspired by other map studios and make your own decisions for a good style editor.