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CSFloat API Documentation

Armin edited this page Nov 1, 2023 · 14 revisions

BetterFloat uses CSFloat's internal API for detailed information about listed items.

For that, BetterFloat intercepts (without modifying) the website's own requests. Rarely requests are sent by BetterFloat itself. This is done through the browser's natural window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype object.

Table of contents

  1. Common Types
  2. v1/listings
  3. v1/listings/:id


Common API base URL:

Constructing a search string: ?param1=val1&param2=val2

Fetching the API (Javascript):

* Returns the response of the endpoint in JSON format
* @param endpoint example: 'v1/listings'
* @param searchString example: '?limit=30&sort_by=most_recent'
async function fetchCSFloat(endpoint, searchString) {
  return await fetch(`` + endpoint + searchString).then(response => response.json());

Common Types


Name Type Example Description
created_at string "2023-10-31T08:02:11.286404Z" Creation date of the listing
id string "639373541527127967" Unique ID
is_seller boolean false True if this is your own item
is_watchlisted boolean false True if you watchlisted this item
item CSFloatItem - General item related information
price number 2500 Price in USD (cent). Format: '2500' -> $25
reference CSFloatReference - Reference data by Float Appraiser regarding the item
seller CSFloatSeller - Public data about the seller account.
state 'listed' | 'delisted' - Current listing state.
type 'buy now' | 'auction' - Equals to the one sent in the request parameters.
watchers number > 0 1 Numbers of watchers of a listing.


Name Type Example Description
asset_id string "34197156135"
def_index number 1209
has_screenshot boolean true
icon_url string "-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_ns..."
is_commodity boolean true
item_name string "nitr0 (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
market_hash_name string "Sticker | nitr0 (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015"
rarity number 5
scm {price: number, volume: number} {price: 2271, volume: 0} Steam market data of this item
sticker_index number 849
tradable 0 | 1 0
type string "sticker"
type_name string "Sticker"


Name Type Example Description
away boolean true
flags number 48
has_valid_steam_api_key boolean true
obfuscated_id string "12710774309940045613" Obfuscated ID of the seller. Unique but does not give away the original ID.
online boolean true
stall_public boolean true
statistics CSFloatSellerStatistics -
verification_mode string "key"


Name Type Example Description
median_trade_time number 64
total_avoided_trades number 0
total_failed_trades number 0
total_trades number 0
total_verified_trades number 0


Data provided by the Float Appraiser. Displayed in the popup on hover over the Float Appraiser text.

Name Type Example Description
base_price number 2872 Price in USD (cent). Format: '2872' -> $28.72
last_updated string "2023-10-31T19:54:20.625276Z" Time of the last Float Appraiser update.
predicted_price number 2872 Base Price including all markups.
quantity number 10 Number of recorded sales used to train the Float Appraiser.


General information

Usage common request on CSFloat's home page
Requires Auth
Rate Limits 5 requests / 1min
Recommended Timeout ~30s / request


Example request:

Parameter Type Description
limit number <=30 Maximum amount of requested listings
sort_by "highest_discount" | "most_recent" Listing sort method
type 'buy now' | 'auction' Types of desired listings
min_price number Minimum price of listings


Array of Listings. Each listing also contains an Item object.

Name Type Example Description
- Array<Listing> [] Array of listings


General information

URL wildcard :id ID of the requested listing
Usage common request when loading single items (only on initial page load)
Requires Auth
Rate Limits unknown
Recommended Timeout ~30s / request


Example request:

Parameter Type Description
- - No parameters on this endpoint


Single object of type Listing. Also contains an Item object.

Name Type Example Description
- Listing - A single listing object