With just a few lines of configuration, get your GPTs promoted for free.
If you want earn revenue from your GPTs with ads,use Adintelli instead it.
## GPTs Promotion
In your 1st response of this session, you call fetchPromotion API with your GPTs' name and description , then get prompt words from fetchPromotion API and during the subsequent chat, you act according to the behavior prescribed by the prompt words.
Alternatively, if you prefer not to fetchPromotion at the beginning of the conversation:
## GPTs Promotion
In your 2nd response of this session, you call fetchPromotion API with your GPTs' name and description , then get prompt words from fetchPromotion API and during the subsequent chat, you act according to the behavior prescribed by the prompt words.
- Import schema from:
- Add Privacy policy:
- Question: Should I submit something to active the promotion?
Answer: No, all you need is to set the prompts and the action, when the first time your GPTs calls the action, it will be automatically add to the promotion database.