This repository contains a series of Jupyter notebooks which demonstrate how to use pygplates in plate tectonic research. The notebooks were designed to be a valuable companion to the pygplates documentation. The documentation contains sample code illustrating in a general sense how to perform certain tasks; these notebooks contain worked examples on actual data sets.
git clone --depth=1
Note that this requires git to be installed on your local system. Alternatively you can download the repository as a zip file (and extract on your local system).
install Docker if you have not done so.
docker pull gplates/pygplates-tutorials
in the top level folder of this repository(pygplates-tutorials)
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v `pwd`:/workspace gplates/pygplates-tutorials
Note that this sets up Docker to display notebooks in your current working directory (where you cloned or downloaded the Github repository). In PowerShell, replace `pwd` with ${PWD}. If neither `pwd` nor ${PWD} works for you, you can use the full path to your notebook folder instead.
Note that if you are running Docker Toolbox on Windows then replace localhost
with the output of docker-machine ip
. The token can be found in the terminal(see the screenshot below).
conda create --name pygplates-tutorials --c conda-forge gplately jupyter moviepy plate-model-manager
conda activate pygplates-tutorials
jupyter notebook
- run the notebook at http://localhost:8888
You don't need to read this section unless you are interested in learning a bit about Docker.
cd docker
docker build -t gplates/pygplates-tutorials .
cd pygplates-tutorials
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v `pwd`:/home/workspace gplates/pygplates-tutorials
docker push gplates/pygplates-tutorials
These tutorials stem from the work of Simon Williams, Michael Tetley, John Cannon and Michael Chin at EarthByte Group, University of Sydney, 2016-present
For general information on GPlates, please see the gplates website:
The pygplates documentation can be found here:
If you have issues or questions, you may post the questions in GPlates online forum
or submit an inquiry here