Check out our humble website
- To space lovers and to those who are always looking for a place where they can find any of SpaceX space launches that comes to their mind.
- In our humble website provides a massive display of space launches, you can easily find many SpaceX launches form the year 2006 up until year 2019. In addition to providing all information about the launch; it provides a video to watch as well. Also, our website allows the user to find any astronomy picture based on any chosen date.
- The user wants to do a school project about space launches.
- Needs a thorough and easy-to-use resource.
- Visits the website to find a simple greeting and navbar that allows the user to easily go from one page to another.
- Clicks on the 'Launches' tab.
- Jumps to a page that displays SpaceX latest launch, the next launch and all launches between 2006-2019.
- Each launch has its details displayed (date, image, description, video)
- Can pick a specific year and receive its launches.
- Favorites the ones the user wants.
- Clicks on NASA images tab.
- Jumps to a page that displays an astronomy picture that's taken on the current day, along with its details.
- Will have the freedom to choose a specific date and get the date's astronomy picture.
- As a user you will find details about SpaceX space launches between the years 2006-2019.
- You will find details about the latest launch and the upcoming one.
- You can specify the displayed launches by choosing the year.
- You can favorite the ones you need.
- You can find an astronomy picture of the day.
- You can get a specific astronomy picture by specifying the date.
If you're a Git user:
- In Your terminal write
git clone
- Then
cd Team1-Sanajib-LaunchToSpace
- In Your terminal write
If you're not a git user:
- Click on the 'Code' green button on the right.
- Click on 'Download ZIP'.
- You will have the project as ZIP file.
- Extract the files, and you will have the project.
- HTML5 - To create the structure of the pages.
- CSS - To give the pages style.
- Responsive web design - To make the website suitable for all devices.
- JavaScript - To add functionality to the website.
- LocalStorage - To save some data