Trading view is a website that shows the prices and the changes on them for a group of trending currencies in the world which will be useful for traders and bussinessmen all over the world.
We found that other websites present much data and alot of currencies, so we created this website to just show the trending currencies and just their important data which is Price, 24hr changes and ma & sma and that makes it more clear for traders.
- Ahmad Sabbah
- Mohamed Mansor
- Mohamed Haron
- Ameera Abed
Firstly, we had designed our website on figma, then we chose free APIs such as Binance to work on. We devided the project to issues and every member had issues to work on such as fetching data from API and append data to the web page.Finally we solved conflics and deployed the website
When the user opens the web page he will find a navbar on top of the page to browse the site's pages.The user can search about any currency through the search input. Also, there is a dropdown list in the buttom of every card which allows users to choose if they would see ma or sma for the currency. Users can contact the website owner by the contact information in the footer.
As a user I can:
- Move between the website pages through the navbar.
- Watch the time in three different cities arround the world "London, Jerusalem, Moscow".
- See trending currency on the world of bussiness.
- See currencies price at this moment.
- See currencies price changes in the last 24 hours.
- See the 'ma'& 'sma' for every currency.
- Search about currencies
- contact the owner of the website.