- Yousef Al-Najar
- Alaa Taima
- Sajeda Ismail
- Fares Alhelo
An app to show all the places around the GSG community
our App let user to know the most known places around GSG and will give details about these places that include :
- Name
- specific location
- Services
- Delievery status
to let user know available places around GSG.
- Discussing the data that will be added to the database
- Determine that the database will has two tables one for users and the other for places.
- Create a Schema for our database and set relation between user and place table.
- Start building our app that depend on many steps :
- Install all required modules that include :
1- Pg module that will connect between node server and PostgresSQL server.
2- Build express app.
3- Build the database.
4- Make a request to database to get data.
5- Post data to database.
6- Make testing for get and post data from/to dtatbase.
7- Use view-engin : (handlebars) to render html pages (home page & erroe pages).
8- Set travis for database.
9- Deploy our app in heroku.
- When a user open our app :
- He will get data about many places around GSG
- And also , the user can add another place.