The markdown-it plug-in is used to output a directory DOM or directory tree object to a markdown document
import markdownit from 'markdown-it'
import markdownItToc from 'markdow-it-toc-better'
const md = markdownit({
html: true,
linkify: true,
typography: true
.use(markdownItToc,{/*options*/}) // <-- this use(package_name) is required
options contains four parameters
includeLevel [array] The default value is 3 levels [1,2,3]
默认值为[1,2,3]三级 -
slugify [function] Function used to custom directory anchor href rule,the function entry is the title, and the return value must be a string
自定义目录锚点href规则函数,函数入参为标题,返回值必须且为字符串 -
getTocTree [function] Function used to acquire directory tree object,the function argument is a directory tree object
用于获取目录树对象的函数,函数入参为目录树对象 -
getTocHTML [function] Function used to acquire directory DOM,the function argument is a DOM
You can declare the variable in advance to receive the tree object or DOM object returned by the plug-in, and then use it elsewhere in your code
Since markdown-it itself is synchronous, there is no need to worry about asynchronicity, and when markdown-it is finished running, the variable will always point to the generated directory object (unless you did not assign it a value).
import markdownit from 'markdown-it'
let menuTree,mdLinkHTML
const md = markdownit({
html: true,
linkify: true,
typography: true
// Set directory level(设定目录级别)
includeLevel: [1, 2, 3],
// Function used to custom directory anchor href rule,the function entry is the title, and the return value must be a string
// (自定义目录锚点href规则函数,函数入参为标题,返回值必须且为字符串)
slugify: (s) => s.replace(/\s*/g, ""),
// Function used to acquire directory tree object,the function argument is a directory tree object
// (用于获取目录树对象的函数,函数入参为目录树对象)
getTocTree: (tree) => {menuTree = tree}, // Assign the directory tree object to menuTree(将目录树对象赋值给menuTree)
// Function used to acquire directory DOM,the function argument is a DOM
// (用于获取目录DOM的函数,函数入参为DOM对象)
getTocHTML: (tocDOM) => (mdLinkHTML = tocDOM) // Assign a DOM object to mdLinkHTML(将DOM对象赋值给mdLinkHTML)
In general, you only need to choose between tree objects and DOM objects
I recommend using tree objects to customize the directory structure, because I just generated a DOM, and it doesn't work well
The end results looks like:
// menuTree
"level": 1,
"content": "D3.js 基础使用",
"children": [
"level": 2,
"content": "元素操控函数",
"children": [],
"link": "#元素操控函数"
"level": 2,
"content": "功能性函数",
"children": [
"level": 3,
"content": "比例尺函数",
"children": [],
"link": "#比例尺函数"
"link": "#功能性函数"
<!-- mdLinkHTML -->
<a href="#D3.js基础使用" class="leave_1 idx_0">D3.js 基础使用</a>
<li><a href="#元素操控函数" class="leave_2 idx_0">元素操控函数</a></li>
<a href="#功能性函数" class="leave_2 idx_1">功能性函数</a>
<li><a href="#比例尺函数" class="leave_3 idx_0">比例尺函数</a></li>