- Data Science Team Members: Gabby Broussard
- The purpose of this project is to scape data from Github repository README files covering different Animal Crossing topics. The goal is to build a machine learning model that will predict what programming language the repository is based off of the given text in the README.
- The purpose of this project is to scape data from Github repository README files covering different Animal Crossing topics. The goal is to build a machine learning model that will predict what programming language the repository is based off of the given text in the README.
- All files referenced in this presentation are available in the github repository for this project: https://github.com/GabbyBarajasBroussard/natural-language-processing-project
- The most common language used is Javascript followed by Python
- All models beat baseline but linear regression beat baseline the most with a 0.571 accuracy on train and 0.5 accuracy on validate.
- One of the most common phrases is rryywwss suggesting that many of the animal crossing repos cover how to get hybrid flowers in the game
- Important to note that even if there are close to 1,000 instances of having a repo, many may not have a readme. The larger the sample will yield better results.
Progression through the Data Science Pipeline: PLAN -> ACQUIRE -> PREPARE -> EXPLORE -> MODEL -> DELIVER
Each step in my process is recorded and staged on a Trello board at: https://trello.com/b/CoF5AaWI/nlp-project
- Plan a website or a topic to scrape data on
- Create GitHub organization and set up GitHub repo, to include readme.md and .gitignore.
- Brainstorm a list of questions and form hypotheses about how variables might impact one another.
- Create Trello Board to organize time
- Have an env.py file created with credentials to access data
- Read data using acquire.py functions.
- Write data into a csv to use later.
- Carefully reviewed data, identifying any missing, erroneous, or invalid values.
- Explored value counts of the dataframe
- Created and called a function, prepare, as a reproducible component that cleans/prepares data for analysis by: handling missing values, adjusts data types, handles any data integrity
- Split the data into train, validate and test sets.
- Visualized all combination of variables to explore relationships.
- Summarized takeaways and conclusions.
- Vectored data to create numerical values for alphabetical values.
- Developed a baseline model.
- Modeled train and validate data on Linear Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Random Forest Clasffier.
- Modeled test on Linear Regression.
- Clearly document all code in a reproducible Jupyter notebook called Walkthrough.
- A well-documented jupyter notebook that contains your analysis called Walkthrough.
- One or two google slides suitable for a general audience that summarize your findings.
- Include a well-labelled visualization in your slides.
Start by cloning the github repository on your From your terminal command line, type: [email protected]:GabbyBarajasBroussard/natural-language-processing-project.git
Download the following files from https://github.com/GabbyBarajasBroussard/natural-language-processing-project to your working directory:
- Data Obtained From Github Repository Search Scrape
- Image From: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch/Animal-Crossing-New-Horizons-1438623.html