This project aims to setup a basic web application which posseses each of the top three web-app vulnerabilities as of 2021 according to OWASP top 10. Consequently, this site is extremely unsecure and will be the basis for our further analysis as to how Large-Language-Models (LLM's) can assist in first identifying and then patching simple vulnerabilities, which will be evaluated through asking another LLM, specifically PentestPGT to attempt to exploit the 'patched' version of the web-app. There are three site directories, the 'site' directory is the original one which has the three vulnerablities, while the 'site_fixedv1' and 'site_fixedv2' directories include the suggested code fixes for the original vulnerabilties.
Install the requirements above, then you will want to download the project:
git clone
Change to the COMS4507-Project site (and the other site directories) directory:
cd COMS4507-Project/site
Install the projects dependencies using:
npm install express --save
npm install express-session --save
npm install express-rate-limit —save
npm install sqlite3 --save
npm install bcrypt --save
And to run the webserver:
node server.js
If successful, you should see the following message: App is listening on port 3000. This means that a local web server is now running and is listening for requests at localhost:3000. Open your browser and click the link.
How OWASP describes Broken Access Control:
Once logged in, users are redirected to a page displaying their account information, however it is possible to manipulate the URL to gain unauthorized access to another users account dashboard.Access control enforces policy such that users cannot act outside of their intended permissions. Failures typically lead to unauthorized information disclosure, modification, or destruction of all data or performing a business function outside the user's limits.
Entering a valid username and password:
Redirects us to the relevant account information:
However, it is evident that this is working through an ID variable in the URL, changing this can then give us access to any users account information given we can guess their userID:
How OWASP describes Cryptographic Failures:
On the login page we are able to utilise SQL injection to access any user account given that we have their username. This can be done through entering the following script into the password field of the form:Failures related to cryptography (or lack thereof). Which often lead to exposure of sensitive data.
" OR "1"="1
Once entered, the site redirects to the user profile page which will display their username and password in plain text. Thus, through SQL injection we have identified a cryptographic failure, as the resuting user password is displayed in plain text instead of being hashed. This means that the passwords are never hashed within the database, which is goes against the NIST guidelines of the secure storage of user data.
How OWASP describes Injection:
An attacker's attempt to send data to an application in a way that will change the meaning of commands being sent to an interpreter.
On the homepage of the site there is search functionality:
When the following script is entered:
<script>alert('XSS Attack!');</script>
We can confirm that there is a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in the application through the above script. This script only displays an alert detailing 'XSS Attack!', however this confirms to use that we can get the backend of the webapp to execute our own malicious code which could steal cookies to hijack user sessions, inject malware or scan internal ports.