Improves User Interfaces in Dark Mode and with square edges
📑 Terms of Use
You can:
- ✅ Use this pack on your server or modpack!
- ✅ Use this pack in videos or live broadcasts (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) you can embed a link in the description, but it's not necessary.
- ✅ Modify the pack for personal use.
- ✅ You can re-use certain resources from my pack in yours and share it, there's no problem, but you'll have to credit me and add a link to the original project, so for example here. (warning: not everything, otherwise it is considered a redistribution)
You may not:
- ❌ Redistribute this pack on other platforms.
These rules may be modified at any time, if necessary.
Thanks to All!
- xlifi
- WForst-Breeze
- 17Js
- Felix14-v2
- audioL (Curseforge)
- nco2k
CurseForge :
Modrinth :
This pack was created by GabrielDja, Please credit the creator when using the pack in public.
This Resource Pack is compatible with the following Mods (150 Mods):
- [ETF] Entity Texture Features
- [Let's Do] Brewery - Farm&Charm Compat
- [Let's Do] HerbalBrews
- [Let's Do] Vinery
- Accessories
- Ad Astra
- Adorn
- Advancement Plaques
- Alex's Caves
- Alex's Mobs
- Apothic Attributes (AttributesLib)
- AppleSkin (Thanks to xlifi)
- Armor Poser
- ArmorStatues
- Auth Me (Thanks to xlifi)
- Backpacked
- BackSlot
- Bartering Station
- BedrockIfy - Bedrock Features on Java!
- Better Advancements
- Better Anvil
- Better Archeology (Thanks to nco2k)
- Better Command Block UI
- Bingo
- Botany Pots
- Boundtiful
- Camera Utils
- Capes [Fabric/Forge]
- Catalogue [Fabric/Forge]
- Chat Patches
- Cherished Worlds
- Chest Tracker (Thanks to 17Js)
- Chisels & Bits
- Compact Storage
- Completionist's Index
- ContainerSearcher
- Copper Hopper
- Corpse
- Crabber's Delight
- Crafting Slots
- Create Encased
- Create (Thanks to xlifi)
- Culinary Construct (Thanks to nco2k)
- Curios API
- Custom Capes
- DeathLog
- Disenchanter
- Easy Anvils
- Easy Magic (Thanks to WForst-Breeze)
- Easy Villagers
- EMI (Thanks to xlifi)
- Enchanting Infuser
- Energized Power
- EssentialGUI
- Even Better Archeology (Thanks to nco2k)
- Expanded Delight [Fabric]
- Extreme sound muffler
- Fabric API (Thanks to xlifi)
- Fabric Musica
- Farmer's Delight
- Farmer's Respite
- Fast Trading
- FiltPick
- Furnish
- Galosphere
- Golden Hopper
- Grappling Hook Mod: Restitched
- Heracles
- Illager Invasion (Thanks to nco2k)
- Immersive Aircraft
- In-Game Account Switcher (Thanks to WForst-Breeze)
- Inmis
- Inventorio
- Inventory Management
- Inventory Pets
- Inventory Profiles Next
- Inventory Sorting
- Inventory Tabs (updated)
- Inventory Tabs
- Iris Shaders
- Iron Chests: Restocked
- Item Collectors
- Item Swapper
- Jade
- Just Enough Items (JEI)
- Just Enough Resources (JER)
- Language Reload (Thanks to Felix14-v2)
- Let's Do: Bakery
- LevelZ
- LibGui (Thanks 17Js)
- LibZ (Thanks to xlifi)
- Lightweight Inventory Sorting
- Mekanism
- MidnightControls
- Mighty Mail [Fabric/Forge]
- Miner's Delight
- Mod Menu
- Molitoola's Cheat Menu
- Moving Elevators
- Music Electronic
- Nemo's Woodcutter (Thanks to nco2k)
- Nether Chest (Thanks to nco2k)
- Nether Chested
- No Chat Reports
- Numismatic Overhaul
- OpenItemPuller
- Origins
- Oritech
- oωo (owo-lib)
- Pack It Up!
- Patbox's Brewery
- Plasmo Voice
- Polymorph
- Quark
- Quick Menu
- QuickStack
- Raised
- Recursive Resources (Thanks to Felix14-v2)
- Replay Mod
- Resource Backpack's
- RewardZ
- RP Renames
- Sawmill
- Screenshot Viewer
- Selectable Painting
- Server Country Flags (Thanks to nco2k)
- Show Me Your Skin!
- Simple Uncrafting Table
- Simple Voice Chat
- SkinShuffle
- Sophisticated Core
- Stylish Effects
- Supplementaries
- The Bumblezone (Quilt/Fabric)
- TieredZ
- Tom's Simple Storage Mod
- Tom's Trading Network
- Trade Cycling
- TrashSlot
- Traveler's Backpack
- Trick Update 1.20 - Not Official
- Trinkets
- Uncrafter
- Unified Storage
- Useful Saved Hotbars
- Utility Belt
- VillagerTimetable
- Waystones
- What's That Slot? (Thanks to nco2k)
- Wooden Hopper
- Wraith Waystones