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GUI SimpleStylized

Improves User Interfaces in Dark Mode and with square edges

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📑 Terms of Use

You can:

  • ✅ Use this pack on your server or modpack!
  • ✅ Use this pack in videos or live broadcasts (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) you can embed a link in the description, but it's not necessary.
  • ✅ Modify the pack for personal use.
  • ✅ You can re-use certain resources from my pack in yours and share it, there's no problem, but you'll have to credit me and add a link to the original project, so for example here. (warning: not everything, otherwise it is considered a redistribution)

You may not:

  • ❌ Redistribute this pack on other platforms.

These rules may be modified at any time, if necessary.


Thanks to All!

  • xlifi
  • WForst-Breeze
  • 17Js
  • Felix14-v2
  • audioL (Curseforge)
  • nco2k


CurseForge :
Modrinth :


This pack was created by GabrielDja, Please credit the creator when using the pack in public.

This Resource Pack is compatible with the following Mods (150 Mods):