Configuration of the terminal environment on new Linux installation made easy.
This project takes my primary configs for zsh and nvim, and places them into a GitHub repository that can be downloaded to new systems. Also contains setup script to do proper adjustments and download up-to-date versions of all necessary modules (Prezto, Neovim, tmux plugin manager).
This new version was heavily inspired by a great video from Dreams of Code (
Install git, tmux & zsh
apt install git tmux zsh htop debian-goodies
Clone the repository on the new box
git clone
Run zsh and run the setup script
On systems with GUI, install the Nerd Fonts mono font of your choice
(Optional) Install the Catpuccin colour theme for the terminal emulator of your choice
(Optional) Install the Gaeldrin/nice-motd
Log out and back in
You should now have your (my) preferred configuration for pleasant terminal experience. This includes lots of configurations for both neovim and tmux, plugin support with some QoL plugins installed and configured and vim-like control in the zsh shell.