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Gammos edited this page Feb 12, 2022 · 2 revisions



This page is all about the timer feature.

Countdowns Countdowns are pretty simple to control. The pack contains 3 countdowns by default. All of those are saved in the timers objective.

Countdowns are initialized in this function: cm:timers/run. For the Countdowns you will not have to change anything in any functions except if you want to add new ones.

To start a countdown use /scoreboard players set down1 timers <value>. The value should be equal to the number of ticks you want the countdown to take. It will automatically start counting down and you get an output in seconds that you can get via /scoreboard players get down1s timers.

Make sure to set the ticks for a countdown. Do not modify the number of seconds the countdown takes.

By default there are the following countdowns:

  • down1 down1s [seconds]
  • down2 down2s [seconds]
  • down3 down3s [seconds]
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