- Use myo armband to collect multi-sEMG for every gesture by the Linux SDK: PyoConnect.
- Gesture recognition by
in Google's Tensorflow framework. - The master branch is for the TensorFlow version 1.X(1.0-1.2), and there are another branch for the old version 0.X.
- Add 1D-CNN model as the gesture recohnition algrithm, and achieve online recognition.
- You can visualize the Neural Networks using tensorboard in linux after running ges_rec.py
tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/ges_rec_logs/
- the code is for windows using myo-python sdk
- You can visualize the Neural Networks using tensorboard in windows after running conv1D_ges_rec.py
tensorboard --logdir=F:/tensorflow_temp/ges_rec_logs/
- PyoConnect
- Numpy
- Scikit-learn
- Tensorflow
- myo-python
- Numpy
- Scikit-learn
- Tensorflow