Simple command line scripts for basecamp.
Uploads a file to a project from the command line. Automatically detects file size and takes care of upload for you. This could be used in connection with other scripts or by the windows task scheduler.
Usage: /upload/basecampupload.rb [options]
Example I: Upload a zip file to a basecamp project.
ruby basecampupload.rb
-C 1111111
-P 2222222
-s '1234, 4321, 1221'
-m 'Your Message Here'
-a '[email protected]'
-u '[email protected]'
-p 'p@ssword'
Example II: Get all users for a basecamp project. Helpful if you need to looup subscriber information.
ruby basecampupload.rb
-C 1111111
-P 2222222
-a '[email protected]'
-u '[email protected]'
-p 'p@ssword'
-g true
-f, --filename filename Full name and path for the zip.
-t, --content_type type The file type being uploaded.
-C, --company # Your basecamp company ID
-P, --project # Your basecamp project ID
--authorization base64encode Basecamp user:pass base64 encode string. Optional authentication methods: username and password or base46 encoded string.
'Basic base46encode'
-s, --subscribers # Subscribers are user id's for those who will be informed that a file has been uploaded.
'1, 2, 3'
-m, --message message Latest zip file.
-a, --user_agent email User account used for base64 encode [email protected]
-u, --username username User account. Optional authentication methods: username and password or base46 encode.
-p, --password password User password. Optional authentication methods: username and password or base46 encode.
-g, --get_users true Bypass file upload and displays users for a project in json output.
This is useful if you don't yet know what the subscriber id's are and want to print out that information.
-d, --debug true Prints debug information. Can also be set using environment variable: i.e. SET debug=true
-h, --help Displays Help