This adapter uses Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors to the developers. For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see Sentry-Plugin Documentation! Sentry reporting is used starting with js-controller 3.0.
Executes Javascript, Typescript Scripts.
The Script Filesystem Mirroring will store all Source Files of the Scripts in your Filesystem to allow you to edit the Files in your favourite Script editor beside the Web-Editor. All changes are synced in both directions.
When enabling the Script Filesystem mirroring, please make sure to create a dedicated new directory and do not use an existing directory with other content. Please also make sure that no other script or process changes files in the provided directory to prevent access issues. Any location needs to be writable by the "iobroker" user!
Since v5.5.0 of the JavaScript adapter the following locations (relative to the ioBroker Base directory, usually /opt/iobroker
) are not allowed to be used:
- The ioBroker base directory itself and any path above!
itself, custom subdirectory (choose a name that do not overlap with any adapter!)./iobroker-data/backup-objects
or anything below./iobroker-data/files
or anything below./iobroker-data/backitup
or anything below./backups
or anything below./node_modules
or anything below./log
or anything below
- Goto current line in debugger
- ...
- (klein0r) Added new blocks: new line, random number, value between min and max, if empty
- (klein0r) Updated blockly core to v9.3.3
- (bluefox) corrected blockly
- (klein0r) Corrected trigger block
- (klein0r) Corrected typescript V5
- (bluefox) coffescript was degraded to the previous version
- (bluefox) tried to correct vscode font
- (bluefox) reverted blockly to the previous version
- (klein0r) reset timeouts in blockly
- (klein0r) added additional blockly blocks
- (bluefox) packages updated
- (bluefox) Files are used for export of scripts
- (bluefox) made the editor visible in full height
- (paul53) small fixes on blockly and translations are made
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014-2023 bluefox [email protected],
Copyright (c) 2014 hobbyquaker