is a lightweight SwiftUI library that provides a simple way to display toast messages.
Platform | Minimum Version |
iOS | 17.0 |
macOS | 14.0 |
- Toast ViewModifier
import Toast
import SwiftUI
struct ExampleScreen {
@State var isLoading: Bool = false
@State var toastToPresent: Toast? = nil
@Sendable func onTask() async {
isLoading = true
defer { isLoading = false }
do {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
toastToPresent = .success(message: "Successfully did a thing!")
} catch {
toastToPresent = .error(message: "Failure to do a thing!")
extension ExampleScreen: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
- Convenience Initializers
/// Extension to the Toast struct to provide convenience initializers for different types of toasts.
extension Toast {
/// Creates a debug toast with a purple color and a debug icon.
public static func debug(message: String) -> Toast {...}
/// Creates an error toast with a red color and an error icon.
public static func error(message: String) -> Toast {...}
/// Creates an info toast with a blue color and an info icon.
public static func info(message: String) -> Toast {...}
/// Creates a notice toast with an orange color and a notice icon.
public static func notice(message: String) -> Toast {...}
/// Creates a success toast with a green color and a success icon.
public static func success(message: String) -> Toast {...}
/// Creates a warning toast with a yellow color and a warning icon.
public static func warning(message: String) -> Toast {...}
- Additional Options for Toast ViewModifier
/// Shows a toast with a provided configuration.
/// - Parameters:
/// - toast: A binding to the toast to display.
/// - edge: The edge of the screen where the toast appears.
/// - autoDismissable: Whether the toast should automatically dismiss.
/// - onDismiss: A closure to call when the toast is dismissed.
func toast(
_ toast: Binding<Toast?>,
edge: VerticalEdge = .top,
autoDismissable: Bool = false,
onDismiss: @escaping () -> Void = {}
) -> some View {...}