Kount Java SDK
- Contains sources, tests, and resources for the Kount Java SDK
- SDK version:
- Clone the respository
- Dependencies
maven 3+
JDK/JRE 1.7+
- How to build the SDK and run integration tests
- setup maven
- run
mvn clean install -DargLine="-Dkount.config.key='...'"
in root directory (if characters like"
,\``, or
'` are present, they need to be escaped)
- Setting up IDE projects
- runmvn eclipse:eclipse
and import as existing project- IDEA - IDEA has automatic maven integration
- New features development / bug fixes should be implemented in their own branch having a meaningful name. Create a pull request, assign a reviewer, and respond to comments.
- Code review -- if you are the assigned reviewer, check for
- correct usage of programming language tools
- nice comments
- code cleanliness (no unused imports, variables, methods)
- code complexity
- tests
- Repo owner or admin
- Other community or team contact