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fix: i18n mistakes
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GeekCornerGH committed Jan 17, 2025
1 parent b18f1cd commit 7ed7b6b
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Showing 3 changed files with 172 additions and 172 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/commands/about.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export const c: command = {
name: t("strings:commands.about.message.uptime-title", { lng }),
value: t("strings:commands.about.message.uptime-desc", { lng, duration: toHumanReadableTime(Math.round(process.uptime()), lng), date: `<t:${Math.round(( / 1000) - process.uptime())}:D>`, time: `<t:${Math.round(( / 1000) - process.uptime())}:T>` })
value: t("strings:commands.about.message.uptime-desc", { lng, duration: toHumanReadableTime(Math.round(process.uptime()), lng), date: `<t:${Math.round(( / 1000) - (client.uptime ?? 0))}:D>`, time: `<t:${Math.round(( / 1000) - process.uptime())}:T>` })
name: t("strings:commands.about.message.stats-title", { lng }),
Expand Down
138 changes: 69 additions & 69 deletions src/i18n/en/strings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"node": "I'm currently running on",
"discordjs": "I'm powered by",
"uptime-title": "I've been running for",
"uptime-desc": "{duration} (since {date} {time})",
"uptime-desc": "{{duration}} (since {{date}} {{time}})",
"stats-title": "I'm watching",
"invite-title": "Want to invite me?",
"invite-desc": "Sorry, you probably can't. This bot is private, and is not hosted on a powerful server. It would get rate-limited quite quickly too.\nThe only way to get it on your server is to be friend with the current developer.\n Oh wait nvm, maybe click the invite button below?",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
"message": {
"already-blacklisted": "This user is already blacklisted",
"not-blacklisted": "This user is not blacklisted",
"success": "{target} has been blacklisted for the reason:\n{reason}",
"success-unbl": "{target} has been unblacklisted"
"success": "{{target}} has been blacklisted for the reason:\n{{reason}}",
"success-unbl": "{{target}} has been unblacklisted"
"blocklist": "blocklist",
Expand All @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"description": "Show top players"
"message": {
"no-data": "No one played Buno in this server! Run </{name}:{id}> to start a new game."
"no-data": "No one played Buno in this server! Run </{{name}}:{{id}}> to start a new game."
"ping": {
Expand All @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"message": {
"pre-pong": "🏓 Pong!",
"pong": "🏓 Pong!\nAPI latency: {WSPingEmote} {WSPing}ms\nBot latency: {pingEmote} {ping}ms"
"pong": "🏓 Pong!\nAPI latency: {{WSPingEmote}} {{WSPing}}ms\nBot latency: {{pingEmote}} {{ping}}ms"
"stop": {
Expand All @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"cantContestYourOwn": "You can't contest your own +4",
"execution": "An error occured while executing this command.",
"forbidden": "You are not allowed to stop the game.",
"gameInChannel": "A game already exists on this channel :point_right: {url}",
"gameInChannel": "A game already exists on this channel :point_right: {{url}}",
"gameJustStarted": "The game just started, you can't do this now.",
"gameNotFound": "I'm sadly unable to find the game you're talking about.",
"inProgress": "The game is in progress",
Expand All @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
"paginationForbidden": "You are not allowed to control this pagination.",
"paginationTooOld": "The pagination is too old.",
"playerLeft": "You can't join a game you left.",
"tooManyInGame": "The game reached its maximum capacity ({count} players)",
"tooManyInGame": "The game reached its maximum capacity ({{count}} players)",
"unusable": "You can't use this button right now.",
"waiting": "The game isn't running yet."
Expand All @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
"modal": {
"label": "Cards",
"title": "Edit {name}'s cards"
"title": "Edit {{name}}'s cards"
"menu": {
Expand All @@ -177,8 +177,8 @@
"messages": {
"contestAndFailed": "**{name}** contested **{host}** admin abuse and failed. They drew **{count}** cards.",
"contestAndKicked": "**{name}** contested **{host}**'s admin abuse and won. **{host}** has been ejected from the game."
"contestAndFailed": "**{{name}}** contested **{{host}}** admin abuse and failed. They drew **{{count}}** cards.",
"contestAndKicked": "**{{name}}** contested **{{host}}**'s admin abuse and won. **{{host}}** has been ejected from the game."
"swap": {
"from": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,126 +219,126 @@
"afk": {
"kicked": "**{name}** was inactive and has been kicked.",
"skipped": "**{name}** was inactive and has been skipped."
"kicked": "**{{name}}** was inactive and has been kicked.",
"skipped": "**{{name}}** was inactive and has been skipped."
"buno": {
"contest": {
"alreadyYelled": "**{name}** already yelled \"Buno out!\"",
"drew": "**{name}** pointed out that **{drawer}** forgot to yell \"Buno out!\"\n**{drawer}** drew {stack} cards.",
"tooManyCards": "**{name} has too many cards to be able to yell \"Buno out!\""
"alreadyYelled": "**{{name}}** already yelled \"Buno out!\"",
"drew": "**{{name}}** pointed out that **{{drawer}}** forgot to yell \"Buno out!\"\n**{{drawer}}** drew {{stack}} cards.",
"tooManyCards": "**{{name}} has too many cards to be able to yell \"Buno out!\""
"yell": {
"already": "You yelled \"Buno Out!\" before.",
"message": "**{name}** yelled\n# {yell}!",
"message": "**{{name}}** yelled\n# {{yell}}!",
"notEnough": "You can only yell \"Buno out!\" when you have 2 cards."
"cancelled": "Game has been cancelled by **{name}**",
"cancelled": "Game has been cancelled by **{{name}}**",
"card": {
"avoidDraw": "**{name}** tried to avoid drawing cards :clown:",
"avoidDraw": "**{{name}}** tried to avoid drawing cards :clown:",
"allSwapped": "All the players' cards have been swapped!",
"reversed": "The player order has been reversed.",
"seven": "You played a 7 card and shall now select a player to exchange your cards with.",
"skippedPlayer": "**{name}** has been skipped.",
"swapped": "**{from}** swapped cards with **{to}**",
"unknown": "**{name}** tried to play a non-existant card :clown:",
"unknownColor": "**{name}** tried to set the collor a non-existant one :clown:"
"skippedPlayer": "**{{name}}** has been skipped.",
"swapped": "**{{from}}** swapped cards with **{to}**",
"unknown": "**{{name}}** tried to play a non-existant card :clown:",
"unknownColor": "**{{name}}** tried to set the collor a non-existant one :clown:"
"color": {
"pick": "Pick a color here!",
"switched": "The color switched to **{color}**",
"switched": "The color switched to **{{color}}**",
"text": "Please select a color"
"draw": {
"drew": "**{name}** drew a card.",
"drewAndSkipped": "**{name}** drew **{stack}** cards and has been skipped.",
"ephemeral": "You drew: {card}",
"sab": "**{name}** has been removed for attempting to sabotage the game",
"drew": "**{{name}}** drew a card.",
"drewAndSkipped": "**{{name}}** drew **{{stack}}** cards and has been skipped.",
"ephemeral": "You drew: {{card}}",
"sab": "**{{name}}** has been removed for attempting to sabotage the game",
"select": {
"draw": "Draw a card",
"skip": "Skip your turn"
"skip": "**{name}** skipped their turn."
"skip": "**{{name}}** skipped their turn."
"end": {
"default": "**{name}** has won the game{default}.",
"default": "**{{name}}** has won the game{{default}}.",
"embed": {
"stats": {
"duration": "⏱️ The game lasted for",
"mostActivePlayer": "👤 Most active player",
"mostPlayedCard": "🃏 Most played card",
"players": "👥 Players who took part in the game",
"playersDesc": "{players} (**{amount}** players)",
"playersDesc": "{{players}} (**{{amount}}** players)",
"winner": "🏆 Winner"
"noOne": "No one was available to finish the game.",
"noWinner": "No winner"
"forceDraw": {
"contestPlus4": "**{name}** contested **{cardPlayer}**'s +4 card and won.\n**{cardPlayer}** drew **{stack}** cards",
"contestPlus4AndFail": "**{name}** contested **{cardPlayer}**'s +4 card and failed.\n**{name}** drew {stack} cards",
"contestPlus4": "**{{name}}** contested **{cardPlayer}**'s +4 card and won.\n**{{cardPlayer}}** drew **{{stack}}** cards",
"contestPlus4AndFail": "**{{name}}** contested **{{cardPlayer}}**'s +4 card and failed.\n**{{name}}** drew {{stack}} cards",
"draw": "**{name}** drew **{stack}** cards and has been skipped.",
"noCard": "You don't have any card to play",
"noStacking": "The Allow Stacking rule is disabled",
"noReverse": "The Reverse Card rule is disabled",
"playACard": "Please play a card",
"reverse": {
"reverseMessage": "**{name}** drew **{stack}** cards and has been skipped, thanks to the reverse card power.\nThe player order has been reversed."
"reverseMessage": "**{{name}}** drew **{{stack}}** cards and has been skipped, thanks to the reverse card power.\nThe player order has been reversed."
"select": {
"title": "Draw {stack} cards",
"title": "Draw {{stack}} cards",
"description": "...and take the L.",
"placeholder": "Choose a card"
"text": "You have to respond, or draw {stack} cards."
"text": "You have to respond, or draw {{stack}} cards."
"joined": "**{name}** has joined the game.",
"left": "`**{name}** has left the game.`",
"joined": "**{{name}}** has joined the game.",
"left": "`**{{name}}** has left the game.`",
"lobby": {
"body": "Game will start automatically {timer}\nCurrent game host: {host}\n{playerList}",
"body": "Game will start automatically {{timer}}\nCurrent game host: {{host}}\n{{playerList}}",
"modified": "This game won't count towards the game leaderboard"
"message": {
"embed": {
"cards": "card",
"cards_plural": "cards",
"currentCard": "Current card: {currentCardEmote} **{currentCard}**",
"currentPlayer": "Currently playing: **{name}**",
"drawStack": "**{stack}** cards to draw",
"currentCard": "Current card: {{currentCardEmote}} **{{currentCard}}**",
"currentPlayer": "Currently playing: **{{name}}**",
"drawStack": "**{{stack}}** cards to draw",
"footer": {
"timeout": "Current timeout is {timeout}."
"timeout": "Current timeout is {{timeout}}."
"playerList": "{plus} {name}{cards} $t(cards, {\"count\":{{count}})\n"
"playerList": "{{plus}} {{name}}{{cards}} $t(cards, {\"count\":{{count}})\n"
"notPlayable": "You can't play this card.",
"notYourTurn": "It's not your turn",
"played": "**{name}** played {currentCardEmote} {card}",
"played": "**{{name}}** played {{currentCardEmote}} {{card}}",
"playerPicker": "Choose a player",
"started": "**The game has just started!**",
"startedAA": "\nThe admin abuse gamemode is enabled for this game. You can eject the host if you think they are abusing by opening the Actions menu",
"states": {
"stopped": "{user} has stopped the game"
"stopped": "{{user}} has stopped the game"
"tooManyCards": "Removed **{name}** for abusing the game."
"tooManyCards": "Removed **{{name}}** for abusing the game."
"leaderboard": {
"embed": {
"title": "Leaderboard for **{guild}**",
"description": "Page {currentPage} of {totalPages}.{userRank}",
"yourRank": "\nYour rank: {rank}",
"fieldName": "{rank} - {member}",
"title": "Leaderboard for **{{guild}}**",
"description": "Page {{currentPage}} of {{totalPages}}.{{userRank}}",
"yourRank": "\nYour rank: {{rank}}",
"fieldName": "{{rank} - {{member}",
"fieldValues": {
"wins_zero": "{count} win",
"wins_one": "{count} win",
"wins_other": "{count} wins",
"losses_zero": "{count} loss",
"losses_one": "{count} loss",
"losses_other": "{count} losses",
"wins_zero": "{{count}} win",
"wins_one": "{{count}} win",
"wins_other": "{{count}} wins",
"losses_zero": "{{count}} loss",
"losses_one": "{{count}} loss",
"losses_other": "{{count}} losses",
"noLoss": "No loss",
"wlr": "{winLossRatio} W/L Ratio"
"wlr": "{{winLossRatio}} W/L Ratio"
"noLosses": "No losses"
Expand All @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
"prompt": "Are you sure you want to leave the game? You won't be able to rejoin the game."
"settings": {
"currentValue": "Current value: {value}",
"currentValue": "Current value: {{value}}",
"embed": {
"title": "Game settings",
"footer": "Settings are automatically saved per guild, and per member."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,10 +383,10 @@
"time": {
"disabled": "Disabled",
"dhms": "$t(days, {\"count\":{{days}}), $t(hours, {\"count\":{{hours}}), $t(minutes, {\"count\":{{minutes}}) and $t(seconds, {\"count\":{{seconds}})",
"hms": "$t(hours, {\"count\":{{hours}}), $t(minutes, {\"count\":{{minutes}}) and $t(seconds, {\"count\":{{seconds}})",
"ms": "$t(minutes, {\"count\":{{minutes}}) and $t(seconds, {\"count\":{{seconds}})",
"s": "$t(seconds, {\"count\":{{seconds}})",
"dhms": "{{days}} $t(days, {\"count\":{{days}}), {{hours}} $t(hours, {\"count\":{{hours}}), {{minutes}} $t(minutes, {\"count\":{{minutes}}) and {{seconds}} $t(seconds, {\"count\":{{seconds}})",
"hms": "{{hours}} $t(hours, {\"count\":{{hours}}), {{minutes}} $t(minutes, {\"count\":{{minutes}}) and {{seconds}} $t(seconds, {\"count\":{{seconds}})",
"ms": "{{minutes}} $t(minutes, {\"count\":{{minutes}}) and {{seconds}} $t(seconds, {\"count\":{{seconds}})",
"s": "{{seconds}} $t(seconds, {\"count\":{{seconds}})",
"days": "day",
"days_plural": "days",
"hours": "hour",
Expand All @@ -413,12 +413,12 @@
"words": {
"and": "and",
"channels_zero": "**{count}** channel",
"channels_one": "**{count}** channel",
"channels_other": "**{count}** channels",
"servers": "**{count}** server",
"servers_plural": "**{count}** servers",
"users": "**{count}** user",
"users_plural": "**{count}** users"
"channels_zero": "**{{count}}** channel",
"channels_one": "**{{count}}** channel",
"channels_other": "**{{count}}** channels",
"servers": "**{{count}}** server",
"servers_plural": "**{{count}}** servers",
"users": "**{{count}}** user",
"users_plural": "**{{count}}** users"

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