👋 Hi from the GenerativeAI4Finance team!
- You have been using OpenAI & chatGPT for Text & Audio, Video, Code & Images.
- How about Financial Data & Decision Making? Let's build a GenerativeAI 4 Finance that does that. And it's built from scratch.
GenerativeAI 4 Finance consists of following parts
- 🌱 Large Foundational models built from scratch. Which are pre-trained and can be used for several use cases across Lending, Investment Banking, Wealth, Asset Management. (Refer vs-neev repository)
- 💞️ Necessary for domain specific solutions
- 📫 Co-Pilots(Kind of like Jarvis from Iron Man) for every one using finance. Eg. Co-Pilot for borowwers and lenders providing suggestions
- Existing core technologies in Generative AI are around content and its variations, but not for Financial Data & Decision making.
- Framework for quickly building domain specific platform does not exist. Frameworks provided by BigTech are fairly low level. As an analogy - If BigTech's framework was python, GenerativeAI4Finance is Pandas.
- Enterprises and MSMEs need their more specific implementations than Generalized ones provided.
- Eg. An Enterprise would want its knowledge base to queried in natural language only for its internal purposes and its own specific customizations
- Another example a small business would want an integeration with CRM for its sales leads.
- People - AI should benefit all. Vaayushop has started focus on MSMEs. GenerativeAI 4 Finance must expedite its benefits to all levels of society.
- Propserity - AI will generate a lot of new wealth. However use cases must bring collaboration between Corporates & different parts of society. So benefits are shared.
- Planet - A productivity increase with innovation reduces net footprint on planet.
We will build our technology stack, tools from scratch.
👀 Reach out for more at [email protected]. GenerativeAI4Finance is part of Vaayushop. (https://www.vaayushop.com/)
- Lending, Co-Lending & Supply Chain Finance
- Investment Banking
- Embedded Finance
- Asset & Wealth Management (TBD-Contributions invited)
- More (TBD-Contributions invited)
This is not complete but just examplary. Certain improvements need to be done and are known.
These may be done in upcoming versions.
Vaayushop is focused on use cases for Lending & will be involved in building foundational models and core frameworks. It will be making some parts of its code as open-source.
- Elon Musk launches XAI to build AGI(Aritificial General Intelligence)
- Vaayushop Building its own AGI stack for Business Lending
- Cohere, developer of cloud agnostic models raises $270m from NVIDIA, Oracle
- A14Bharat, backed by MSFT & Nilekani could well be the first foundation model from India
- GenerativeAI Glossary
- [Books]((TBD-Contributions invited)
- Research Papers
- 👀 Start referring use cases below and you can start contributing more use cases for your domain.
- 🌱 Create, Train, Fine-tuen models
- 🌱 Create high level librarires, tools for others to build upon
- 💞️ Give us star, share, Follow