A repository for launching the Docker-REDHAWK containers in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Docker Engine (Tested with 19.03.12)
- Docker Engine Post-installation Steps for Linux
Install minikube.
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
Show the version to make sure it installed.
minikube version
Start minikube and install kubectl
minikube start
minikube kubectl -- get pods -A
Save your typing fingers for kubectl
by adding the following lines to your ~/.bashrc.
alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"
Make sure your minikube installation has the CoreDNS add-on (if not, install with instructions here).
kubectl get services kube-dns --namespace=kube-system
Build the REDHAWK development cluster image on the minikube node and copy all REDHAWK images to minikube.
cd redhawk-cluster-development/
docker build -t geontech/redhawk-cluster-development:2.2.5 .
cd ../
mkdir images && cd images
docker save -o redhawk-usrp.tar geontech/redhawk-usrp:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-webserver.tar geontech/redhawk-webserver:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-bu353s4.tar geontech/redhawk-bu353s4:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-rtl2832u.tar geontech/redhawk-rtl2832u:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-gpp.tar geontech/redhawk-gpp:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-domain.tar geontech/redhawk-domain:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-development.tar geontech/redhawk-development:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-runtime.tar geontech/redhawk-runtime:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-omniserver.tar geontech/redhawk-omniserver:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-base.tar geontech/redhawk-base:2.2.5
docker save -o redhawk-cluster-development.tar geontech/redhawk-cluster-development:2.2.5
minikube cp redhawk-usrp.tar /home/docker/redhawk-usrp.tar
minikube cp redhawk-webserver.tar /home/docker/redhawk-webserver.tar
minikube cp redhawk-bu353s4.tar /home/docker/redhawk-bu353s4.tar
minikube cp redhawk-rtl2832u.tar /home/docker/redhawk-rtl2832u.tar
minikube cp redhawk-gpp.tar /home/docker/redhawk-gpp.tar
minikube cp redhawk-domain.tar /home/docker/redhawk-domain.tar
minikube cp redhawk-development.tar /home/docker/redhawk-development.tar
minikube cp redhawk-runtime.tar /home/docker/redhawk-runtime.tar
minikube cp redhawk-omniserver.tar /home/docker/redhawk-omniserver.tar
minikube cp redhawk-base.tar /home/docker/redhawk-base.tar
minikube cp redhawk-cluster-development.tar /home/docker/redhawk-cluster-development.tar
Load the images on the minikube node with the following commands.
minikube ssh
docker load -i redhawk-usrp.tar
docker load -i redhawk-webserver.tar
docker load -i redhawk-bu353s4.tar
docker load -i redhawk-rtl2832u.tar
docker load -i redhawk-gpp.tar
docker load -i redhawk-domain.tar
docker load -i redhawk-development.tar
docker load -i redhawk-runtime.tar
docker load -i redhawk-omniserver.tar
docker load -i redhawk-base.tar
docker load -i redhawk-cluster-development.tar
Create the deployments and services by applying the YAML files to the cluster.
kubectl apply -f rh-core.yaml
kubectl apply -f rh-core-omniserver.yaml
kubectl apply -f rh-core-ssh.yaml
kubectl apply -f rh-gpp.yaml
Check on the status of the deployments, services, and pods.
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
Inspect the NodePort of the rh-core-ssh
service to make sure it is 30022.
kubectl describe services rh-core-ssh | grep NodePort
Get the Public IP of the cluster (this command might not work without minikube).
kubectl cluster-info
SSH directly in to the cluster on the NodePort and start the REDHAWK IDE.
ssh -X root@<CLUSTER_IP> -p 30022
# --> Password: redhawk
rhide &
Follow the instructions below in the REDHAWK IDE to validate Kube-REDHAWK is operational.
- Click the + button in the "REDHAWK Explorer"
- In the "New Domain Manager" dialog:
- Enter "REDHAWK_DEV" for the Domain Name textbox
- The Display Name textbox should auto-populate with "REDHAWK_DEV"
- Click Finish
- Expand the REDHAWK_DEV>Device Managers node in the "REDHAWK Explorer" and verify that three GPP nodes exist
- Right-click on the REDHAWK_DEV node in the "REDHAWK Explorer" and click Launch Waveform...
- In the "Launch Waveform" dialog:
- Select rh>basic_components_demo
- Check the Start the Waveform after launching checkbox
- Click Finish
- Expand the REDHAWK_DEV>Waveforms node in the "REDHAWK Explorer" and verify that the "rh.basic_components_demo" waveform was launched
Follow the instructions below in the REDHAWK IDE to test a development flow on Kube-REDHAWK.
- Click File>New>REDHAWK Waveform Project
- In the "New Waveform Project" dialog:
- Type "my_demo" in the Project name textbox
- Select the Use existing waveform as a template radio button
- Type "/var/redhawk/sdr/dom/waveforms/rh/basic_components_demo/basic_components_demo.sad.xml" in the SAD File textbox
- Click Finish
- In the "my_demo" panel in the center-top of the screen:
- Select the Overview tab
- Click the Generate Waveform button in the top right-hand corner of the panel
- Click OK in the "Generate Files" dialog
- Right-click my_demo in the "Project Explorer" panel on the left-hand side of the screen and click Export to SDR
- Expand the Target SDR>Waveforms node in the "REDHAWK Explorer" and verify that the "my_demo" waveform is listed
- Right-click on the REDHAWK_DEV node in the "REDHAWK Explorer" and click Launch Waveform...
- In the "Launch Waveform" dialog:
- Select my_demo
- Check the Start the Waveform after launching checkbox
- Click Finish
- Expand the REDHAWK_DEV>Waveforms node in the "REDHAWK Explorer" and verify that the "my_demo" waveform was launched
Tear down the deployments and services in the reverse direction of the startup.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The workspace and SDRROOT of the cluster are NOT saved!
kubectl delete deployment rh-gpp
kubectl delete service rh-core-ssh
kubectl delete service rh-core-omniserver
kubectl delete deployment rh-core
It is helpful to view the logs of a container when something goes wrong.
kubectl logs <POD_NAME> -c <CONTAINER_NAME>
You can also get directly in to the shell of a running container.
kubectl exec --stdin --tty -c <CONTAINER_NAME> <POD_NAME> -- /bin/bash